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他冒险驶入陌生的海域。He adventured on a unknown seas.

确信你的梦境来自于遥远的海域。Sure thou art come Over far-off seas.

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继续抓好重点流域、区域、海域的污染治理。An unobstructed area of land or water.

在这些海域多海难事件。There are many shipwrecks in these waters.

酸性海域会阻碍珊瑚的生长繁殖。Those sour seas slow the growth of corals.

大多数海域界线需要分段划分。Most of the sea boundaries need sub-division.

通过双攻海域,你可以退出测试。By double tapping sea area, you can quit quiz.

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这片海域的海道清晰可见。The sea lanes in the area can be clearly seen.

韩国与福岛并不在同一片海域。South Korea does not share a sea with Fukushima.

鳌山湾属营养水平较低的海域。There is a low nutrient level in the Aoshan Bay.

于是,博洛在几次旅程中都试着向东穿越俄罗斯北部的海域。Instead his trips tried to scoot north of Russia.

据统计,在泄露海域有超过500只海龟死亡。More than 500 sea turtles died in the spill area.

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并从亚拉腊山的西部海域。And from the mountain of Ararat to the western sea.

他曾经梦想到窎远的南部海域诸岛去旅游。He dreamed of traveling to remote South Sea Islands.

泄漏原油污染中国海域的事实无可否认。There’s no denying crude oil sullied Chinese waters.

所以我镇附近海域盛产各种各样的鱼。So the sea near my town is full of all sorts of fish.

这些海盗在日本和印度附近的海域航行。These pirates sailed the waters near Japan and India.

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那些探险家们大胆地在陌生的海域探险。Those explorers gallantly adventured on unknown seas.

海盗行为在亚洲附近的海域也同样活跃。Piracy was also active in the waters surrounding Asia.

一只白鳍鲨在大离礁海域巡游。A whitetip reef shark cruises over Great Detached Reef.