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你毒害了我的甜水。You poisoned my sweet water.

咸水里也不能发出甜水来。No more can salt water yield fresh.

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咸水里也不能发出甜水来。Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

过了几天,神又使苦水变成甜水。Several days later God had given them sweet water instead of bitter.

在河的嘴,淡水掺加海洋的含盐甜水。At the mouths of the rivers , fresh water joins the salt water of the sea.

成功者常常是先喝苦水,再喝甜水。The person that succeed often drinks bitter water first, drink fresh water again.

他扳开葫芦上的小盖,让甜水汩汩地流进葫芦。He removed the small stopper from the calabash, and as the sweet water gurgled into it.

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只不过不同的人喝甜水和喝苦水的顺序不同。The person that just differs drinks fresh water and the order that drink bitter water to differ.

因为一个装满甜水的杯子绝对不可能溅出一滴苦水,不管它受到如何突然的摇晃。For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water however suddenly jolted.

我们甜水镇的女人都得在关得严严实实的更衣室里才敢换浴衣。Every Sweetwater female changed in and out of her bathing suit barricaded behind the firmly locked door of a dressing booth.

其实,不管甜水镇的居民有多么好奇,也不管该镇的这些外来人口有多么吸引公众的眼球,他们双方都有着很多共同之处,只是他们可能还没意识到这一点而已。The curious residents of Sweetwater may have had more in common with their high-profile visitors than either group realized.

对艾米丽来说至关重要的夏天来了。一对夫妇带着他们十六七岁的女儿露露来到甜水农场买狗。This fateful summer, a couple with good connections visits Sweetwater to purchase a dog, bringing along their college-age daughter, Lulu.

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因此,今后的找煤重点应放在沙井子、甜水堡、王洼和罗洼外围的青龙山断褶带和沙井子断褶带的次级凹陷内。Acoordingly, in the future, the key areas where coal can be found are Qinglongshan fault-fold zones and the depression of Shajifigzi fault-fold belt.

在黄蜂大队进驻甜水镇那年,海伦还是个小姑娘,她还去镇里游泳池的女更衣室里看她们换衣服,只见“她们脱下军装,光着身子在里面走来走去,没有一丝羞怯,那可是我们从没见过的景象。She watched them in the women’s dressing room at the town pool, where “they stripped and walked around naked, unashamed. We had never seen anyone do that.

凭借天生的直觉,艾米丽成功训练了这些小狗,同时也象其他十来岁的小孩一样,她害怕甜水农场之外的世界,担心不被别人注意和接受。Highly intuitive, especially with animals, Emily trains the puppies, aching, as only a preteen can, for attention and acceptance even as she fears the world beyond Sweetwater.

塞奇先生说,这故事的意义在于响尾蛇应该受到尊重,我们无须对它心存恐惧,他以这种较稳妥的方式向甜水镇青商会组织的全球最大的捕蛇行动示威。The point, said Mr Sager, was that rattlesnakes should be respected but not feared. He was running a safety demonstration during the Sweetwater Jaycees World's Largest Rattlesnake Round-Up.