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什么是天主事工会?What is Opus Dei?

工会采取果断行动以迎接困难。The trade union battened down.

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工会极力争取提高工资。Unions pushed for higher wages.

如今的工会不再如此。today's Teamsters, not so much.

他们被禁止成立工会。They were forbidden to unionize.

她们在工会中扮演什麽样的角色?What kind of roles do they play?

她蔑视天主事工会!She scorned the work of Opus Dei!

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加入英国国教工会。You enter the Anglican priesthood.

她是团结工会中的一位重要成员。She went on to be a prominent member.

那么,究竟这场针对工会的攻击会得逞吗?So will the attack on unions succeed?

他们在新厂子成立了工会。They trade-unionized the new factory.

工会使得劳动关系官僚化了。Unions bureaucratize labor relations.

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在这次罢工运动中,工会内分裂了。The Union schismatized in this strike.

使商店售货员组织工会是很困难的。It is hard to unionize shop assistants.

工会发动了持续一天的象徵性罢工。The union called a one-day token strike.

我们是法国的工会会员。We are trade unionists living in France.

当地政府是最大的工会。Local governments are the most unionized.

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当然,还有一点,这家公司是反工会组织的。And, of course, the company is anti-union.

克罗是英国伦敦铁路、海运及运输工会的领导人。Bob Crow is leader of transport union RMT.

这个工厂的工人未加入工会。The workers in the plant were unorganized.