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关于少林内劲一指禅的起源。Shaolinon one of the origin of Zen.

直到明代少林僧兵的的兴起。Ming Shaolin monk soldiers until the rise.

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少林大炮捶,可以说是少林拳中的王者。This boxing is the king of Shaolin Boxing.

你怎样评价你在「少林足球」的演出?How did you score the part for Shaolin Soccer?

少林小炮捶可以说是少林拳中王者。This boxing is the king of the Shaolin Boxing.

少林和尚在马耳他表演中国功夫。Shaolin monks perform Chinese Kung Fu in Malta.

少林功夫是正义,仁爱与和平的象征。Shaolin Kungfu is a symbol of justice, mercy and peace.

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关于少林功夫的起源,有这样一个传说。There is a legend about the beginning of Shaolin Kung Fu.

在这部电影中李连杰扮演一个少林和尚。In this film Li Lianjie played the part of a Shaolin monk.

少林小炮捶,可以说是少林拳中的王者。Small Cannon Boxing is said to be the king of Shaolin boxing.

男孩子们还是对少林足球青睐有加。But boys definitely find Kungfu football far more interesting.

少林僧的传奇开始于1500年前。The legend of the Shaolin monks began around 1, 500 years ago.

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带你去领略一下少林功夫如何?How about letting me show you some Shaolin martial arts skills?

少林绝技二指禅是少林鹰派武术的代表性套路。Shao-lin unique er-zhi-zen is the representative of hawk's claw.

不过,俺既学不来少林之刚猛,又受不了太极之柔韧。But I can stand neither Shaolin's strongness nor Taiji's softness.

毕竟,少林足球是一个关于怀才不遇的故事。After all, "Shaolin Soccer" is a story for the talented but unnoted.

可是闻道还是坚持要下山,哪怕背叛少林。But to scent still insist on down, even if rebelled against shaolin.

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中国企业都有一个从少林小子到太极宗师的过程。Chinese enterprises have a kid from Shaolin to tai chi master process.

图为美国少林拳法联盟的学员在拜见少林师傅。US Shaolin Fist Union student pays his respects to the Shaolin master.

我五风的时候,就在少林寺学了少林功夫。When I was fine years old,I learned Shao Lin Kungfu in Shao Lin Temple.