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行,请给小面值的。OK, small siver, please.

您能找开一张100元面值的钞票吗?Can you break a 100-dollar bill?

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要什么样的面值?。What denominations would you like?

都好了?你想要什么面值的?All right?What nomination do you want?

刊行债券时,理卖按债券的面值记帐。Bonds shall be accounted for at par value.

那么,哪种面值的钞票将会成为下一个改版的呢?So which bill will come next for a makeover?

英国皇家邮政发布面值5英镑的宝石蓝邮票。The Royal Mail issues a Sapphire Blue 5 stamp.

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美国预定在2008年发行新的100美元面值的纸币。A new 100-dollar bill is scheduled to be released in 2008.

首先消费者倾向于高估大面值货币。First consumers tended to overvalue higher denomination money.

这是一张面值8刀的套票,可以坐4次,每次2刀。This is a 8-dollar ticket, you can have 4 rides, 2 dollarseach.

瑞典的1,000克朗面值钞票最先应用了该技术。Sweden's 1, 000-kroner banknote was first to use this technology.

一些古币现在的价值比它的面值大得多。Some old coins are now worth a great deal more than their face value.

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低于面值购入之贴现债券,每年应将贴现收入摊入账面价值。The annual addition to book value contributed by bonds purchased below.

事实上,许多通胀保值债券都被推高到了面值以上的价格。Indeed, many TIPS have been bid up to prices exceeding their face value.

德国央行以等面值的纸币兑换了被损坏的欧元硬币。The Bundesbank exchanges damaged euro coins for banknotes at face value.

本章介绍了存储字符串字面值的字符数组。This chapter introduced the use of character arrays to hold string literals.

您将需要一个把牌面值指定为数字描述的数组。You'll want an array that assigns face values to their numeric descriptions.

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为了杜绝这类事情,便在高额面值的硬币边缘处,设置小沟槽。To prevent this, little grooves were placed on the edges of high-value coins.

最后还要加上债券面值的现值,这就是债券定价公式Then you want to add the present value of the principal and that's the formula.

收到礼卡的人可以用卡上的面值选择支持他们想支持的事业。Card recipients then choose causes they want the values of the cards to support.