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在地方官康复期间,他的权利已经移交给主管上尉。His duties have been assumed by the Lieutenant Governor during his recovery.

也许,那是地方官的遗愿西宾斯老夫人那样生性恶毒的巫婆,将要给吊死在绞架上。Hibbins, the bitter-tempered widow of the magistrate, was to DIE upon the gallows.

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军官是当地地方官,与他们属下来自同一地方,以便他们的人接受命令。The officers were local officials from whom the men were used to accepting orders.

因此,战争永远是地方官发财的捷径。Thus, war, for the officials, was always the swiftest and straightest road to riches.

众人和地方官,听见这话,就惊慌了。And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things.

数以百计的选区也将选举地方官员。选举官员希望避免过去的错误。As Chad Bouchard reports from Jakarta, election officials hope to avoid past mistakes.

汝南的地方官,接到了捕促范滂的命令,便带领官兵,去到范滂的家乡。Upon receiving the order, the local official in Ru Nan, led soldiers to Fan Pang's home.

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因此,蔡文姬回到了她的故乡,在曹操的安排下嫁给了地方官。Thus, Cai Wenji returned to her homeland where Cao Cao arranged for her to marry an officer.

早在十七世纪的时候,一位地方官就曾痛斥少林寺“宅邸高耸,器具奢华”。A 17th-century magistrate railed against the temple's "lofty mansions and splendid furnishings."

这可把地方官给难住了,于是,就把椒儿、花秀叫来商议。This can be the local officials stumped, so she pepper children, flowers show called negotiation.

在我们采访董玉飞之前几个星期,另一位失去儿子的地方官自杀了。A few weeks before we visited Dong Yufei, another local official who lost his son, killed himself.

达斯曾当过老师、律师、地方官、地区法院法官,直到1971年退休。Das worked as a teacher, a lawyer, a magistrate and a district court judge before retiring in 1971.

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明末,传教士在江南所建教堂数量居于全国之首,地方官绅的延引成为天主教发展至江南各地的基础途径。By the end of Ming, the number of churches in Jiangnan had been the largest one in the whole country.

唐宋以来州军地方官举行的乡饮酒礼逐渐与科举典礼混行。In Tang and Song Dynasty, the Xiangyinjiu and Keju ceremony were hold fixedly by the local governments.

地方官、收税官以及兵士的勒索,更使压迫加重到使人不能忍受的地步。The pressure was intensified until the exactions of governors tax-collectors and armies made it unbearable.

大义凛然的地方官拒绝向这位叫做“阿罗那克斯”的混蛋低头,把他撵出了自己的办公室。The Governor, to his credit, refused to bow to this "Arronax's" whims, and told him to get out of his office.

大河网讯一名小偷被列为了印度头号通缉犯,原因是他偷了印度一名高级地方官家的五只鸡。A man who allegedly stole five fowl from a top magistrate in India has been put on the police's most wanted list.

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对于地方官员,相比减少权力滥用来说,他们更关心的是平息被拆迁者的情绪。For their part, local officials seem less concerned about reining in abuses than about mollifying those they evict.

李得仓接受清廷招抚之后,成为地方官员,负有安抚一方百姓的责任。After his surrender to the Qing Government, Li De-cang became an official and had responsibilities for the local people.

山东地方官员,包括省级官员和基层官员对捻军窜扰都有防御。Shandong local officials, including provincial officials and grass-roots officials had defense against the harass of the Nien.