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学校校长被停职检查。The principal was suspended.

那位副总统被停职了。The vice-president was dry-docked.

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据悉,陈立岩已被责令停职。Chen has been suspended from his position.

这是否意味着应该对克洛伊-希尔克采取停职的处罚?Does that mean Kilroy-Silk should be suspended?

还有坦桑尼亚首相的停职。The suspension of the prime minister of Tanzania.

雅芳证实了停职一事,但没有提供细节。Avon confirmed the suspensions but gave no details.

据了解,现年53岁的李昶停职后将面临调查。Li Chang, 53, was suspended pending an investigation.

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你和你的朋友被停职了,除非另行通知。You and your friend are off the job until further notice.

这个事件发生后,史密斯被停职了,但他不后悔。Smith, who quit eight days after the incident, remains unrepentant.

你现在就把证书给我送过来,要不你就会停职了。You get that certificate here now, or you will cease to have your job.

肯尼亚政府。还有坦桑尼亚首相的停职。The Kenyan government. The suspension of the prime minister of Tanzania.

东窗事发,向南承担了所有的责任,被停职。Ally McBeal, bear all the responsibility to the south, has been suspended.

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现在我们觉得只有一名雇员因为这件死亡事件而被停职也挺奇怪的。Now we find it odd that only one employee has been suspended over the death.

Wooten在2006年被停职但从未被开除。Wooten was briefly suspended over the allegations in 2006 but never dismissed.

经常发生解雇和停职但是往往有缺乏证据。Dismissals and suspensions have often taken place on the flimsiest of evidence.

涉案的护士已遭停职处分,医院的院长也受到惩处。The nurse involved has been suspended and the head of the hospital reprimanded.

卡茨指出她会在即将到来的CWA大会上对她的停职决定提出质疑和反对Katz indicated she would challenge the suspension at the upcoming CWA convention.

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以色列中的官长停职,直到我底波拉兴起,等我兴起作以色列的母。Village life in Israel ceased, ceased until I, Deborah, arose, arose a mother in Israel.

一周前,该报纸首次披露该问题时,三名巴基斯坦投球手被停职。Three Pakistani bowlers were suspended after the paper first published its allegations a week ago.

这次停职使上海第十二届人民代表大会的实有代表为867人。The suspension brings the number of deputies to the Twelfth Shanghai People's Congress down to 867.