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好吧,美国,他已经将我的框框撑破。Well they broke my frame. Washington D. C.

无框框架奥地利水晶详细的庙宇。Rimless frame with Austrian crystal detail at temples.

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安装镜头的框框是从飓风从房项吹出的木瓦。The shingles used to mount the mirror were blown off roofs in storms.

我们的人才是有的,关键是要解放思想,打破框框。The key thing is to emancipate our minds and break away from convention.

亨利上校有劳斯鲁特费心之处,是因为他不太符合这个框框。Captain henry bothered slote because he did not quite fit the pigeonhole.

在常规市场运行的框框内应对通缩是不可能的事情。Dealing with deflation is impossible within the bounds of normal market operations.

当你无法跳出框框去想问题的时候,不妨向有经验的人士借借脑,也许会有帮助。It may help to borrow brains from the experience when you can't think out of the box.

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我一般不去定义自己的作品,因为我认为,下定义等于给作品限定了框框。I usually don't define my works, since I believe that definitions only set parameters.

再复制这六个帧并将框框中的文字显示为第三段文字。Similarly create six more duplicate frames and unhide the third line for these frames.

语言起源理论总不会超过其学术性推测的框框。The origin of language theories can never amount to much more than educated conjecture.

这张未标日期的照片,是位云林县蜂农满脸笑容地拿著他蜂箱里的一个框框。A beekeeper holds a frame from one of his beehives in Yunlin County in this undated photo.

哈马斯认为他们已经建成一个成熟独立的国家,因此要求联合国严格按照他们规定的框框办事。But Hamas wants the UN to work firmly under its auspices, as it would in a fully-fledged state.

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我喜欢的三种花,绕在路边用柳条、竹子或者榛子枝扎成的框框上。These are the three varieties I go for, on frames made from willow, bamboo or hazel, hooping over a path.

在RBE的信息页面中有些框框显示显存数量、类型、位宽和显卡接口这些信息的。In RBE's info tab, there are some boxes for displaying RAM amount, type, interface and video card interface.

对内也要开放搞活,不要固守一成不变的框框。Domestically too we have to open wider, invigorate the economy and not be restricted by conventional thinking.

我意思是你应该展现你真正的个性,从繁缛礼节框框中跳出来。I mean that you should express your REAL personality and steer away from standard polite and guarded conversations.

相对于快速解决一个预先定义好的问题,能跳出框框想出一些让人豁然开朗的新主意,可能会更棒。It's not so important to be able to solve predefined problems quickly as to be able to come up with surprising new ideas.

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不论我已经获得了多少空手道的奖牌,在一个瘦小的5英尺5英寸高的框框下,能被真正看成是一个运动员吗?no matter how many Taekwondo medals I had won, could I ever be considered truly athletic in a wiry, five foot five frame?

它也许在技术上更具挑战性,但它可以跳出框框,非常自由地运用更有机的元素和设计。It may be more challenging technically, but it can be very liberating to use more organic elements and design outside the box.

注意了,下次你邻居举行的车库拍卖的那些发霉的框框可不只是吸引一下眼球那么简单了,它们有可能价值数千万美元。Those mildewing boxes at your neighbor’s next garage sale may contain more than meets the eye—hundreds of millions of dollars more.