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是行货就一定有吧…Does it has international warranty ?

水货,其实就是国外的行货!Parallel, in fact, is licensed abroad!

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诺基亚6300在海南海口行货现在价格?。Nokia 6300 does goods price now in Hainan Haikou?

本店所售笔记本电脑均为全新正品行货。All laptops in our shop are brand new and authentic.

购买正品行货,保护听力不受伤害!Purchase genuine licensed to protect the hearing from harm!

此优惠只适用于佳能香港有限公司之原装行货。This promotion offer is only applicable to Canon Hongkong Co.

现在先来看看正式行货的拆机照片!Now take a look the inside of an official retail version of MSI X340!

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行货配置,如有需要请提前7-10天预订!SAGEM OT498 licensed configuration, if necessary 7-10 days in advance booking!

诺基亚N78现在南京地区行货多少钱?Be how much the Nokia N78 Nanjing now area goods which are not carefully processed?

卓越所销售的笔记本产品均为正品行货,开正规发票。By the excellent sales of notebook products are authentic licensed, a formal invoice.

全新正品行货,保修三年,提供送货上门服务,外地货到付款。New genuine licensed, warranty of three years, providing home delivery services, field COD.

许多人都说,这至少在一定程度上减少了行货iPhone在2009年发布后的销售情况。Many said served to at least partially undercut sales when the handset was legally released in 2009.

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定期盘存制主要用于对单位成本较低的行货项目进行会计处理。The period inventory system is typically used to account FOR inventory items that have a low unit cost.

定期盘存制主要用于对单位成本较低的行货项目进行会计处理。The period inventory system is typically used to account for inventory items that have a low unit cost.

甲方确保提供的君益忘烟饮戒烟产品为行货正品。I. The smoke-quitting product Habit-breaking Drink for Smokers provided by Party A shall be qualified products.

如果有想买买国产机的买家,还不如考虑去买水货或港行货!If you want to have to buy the domestic aircraft buyer, might as well consider parallel to buy or licensed in Hong Kong!

据悉这批行货的价格将比现在中国水货市场上的走私iPhone价格便宜,并且还附带了一些适合中国疯友的程序。The device will cost less than the smuggled, grey-market iPhones currently available in China and will include special apps for the Chinese consumer.

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比如中国移动和联通,在定制机上,虽然不回有假货等,但是比国内行货品质上又有所打折!Such as China Mobile and China Unicom, the local custom, although not have to fake, and so on, but on the quality of domestic importers and the discount!

水货手机往往比较便宜,而且附带一些大陆行货并没有开放的功能,例如无线互联网。The illegitimate phones are usually cheaper and contain functions, such as wireless Internet, that are not available on phones sold through legal channels.

分析人士指出,从香港大量涌入大陆的水货手机已经严重挤占了行货苹果手机的销售市场。Analysts said a thriving gray market flooded with fake iPhones smuggled in from Hong Kong and the West has hurt legitimate sales of the Apple smart phone here.