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优雅的风度。The grace of my style.

他的举止很有风度。His deportment is beautiful.

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我憎恨粗鲁、没有淑女风度的女孩!I detest rude, unladylike girls!

你有没有绅士风度啊?。Do you have the gentry demeanour?

他是一个具有军人风度的男子。He is a man of soldierly bearing.

扬克举止颇有绅士风度。Jahncke behaved like a gentleman.

他们还更具绅士风度。They're also much more gentlemanly.

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他举止颇有些绅士风度。He demeaned himself like a gentleman.

莫丝有风度地接受了胜利。Moth accepted the victory graciously.

风度是一种很难界定的品质。Presence is a hard-to-define quality.

这位年轻人举止优雅风度舯腈。The young man is elegant and handsome.

你不应该轻视好的风度。You should not disparage good manners.

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还有比这身装扮更具绅士风度的吗?Can you get more gentlemanly than this?

英国人渐失绅士风度。British manners slipping, research finds.

他还真有点儿大将风度。He has, indeed, the way of great generals.

事实上,那是会被认为没有绅士风度的。In fact, it is thought to be ungentlemanly.

她生来具有舞蹈家的优雅风度。She has the natural grace of a born dancer.

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她有着芭蕾舞演员的优雅风度。She possessed the grace of a ballet dancer.

多一些微笑并且做到行为优雅和风度迷人。Smile a lot and be personable and engaging.

有绅士风度的人才是绅士。He is a gentleman that has gentle conditions.