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我有点厌倦了漂泊的生活。I'm kind of tired of the vagabond life.

有时,那是一种漂泊不定的生活。It was at times a knockabout existence.

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那艘船孤零无依地漂泊了一阵子。The ship drifted helplessly for a time.

这些流浪者的鞋子,已经漂泊了很久。These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray.

让漂泊得爱情、重回爱得服务区。Let drift love, return to love service area.

送过来吧这些无家可归的,四处漂泊的的人。Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.

漂泊一生,空有一腔往事如烟的怀念。Wandering life, empty cavity has a past memory.

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不对像稻草,漂泊在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。he who would search for pearls must dive below.

继续的漂泊,你可知道风起的方式?。Drifting onwards, do you know how the wind blew?

你可以流浪,你可以梦想,甚至漂泊于水上。You can drift, you can dream, even walk on water.

天涯漂泊落浔阳,伤心泪滴。End of the World Xun Yang drifting down, tear drop sad.

纳克曼和劳拉在欧洲到处漂泊。Nachman and Laura had been wandering up and down Europe.

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没有哪个朝代如此热衷于漂泊和睁眼看世界。No dynasty had been so cosmopolitan and outward-looking.

漂泊的风从远方吹来,空寂的天边。Wandering the wind blowing from afar, the empty horizon.

漂泊的权利难以磨灭地写入了民主之中。The right to errancy is indelibly written into democracy.

一只四处漂泊的老鼠在佛塔顶上安了家。Wandering around a mouse in the pagoda on top of an home.

他以令人惊奇的喜爱任你在世上漂泊。He turns you adrift on the world with surprising alacrity.

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北漂也指漂泊在北京的一种生存方式。Beipiao is also a life style of being a drifter in Beijing.

生活可以漂泊,可以孤独,但灵魂必须有所归依。Life can drift, can alone, but the soul has to be a refuge.

我得重下海去,生活像漂泊的吉卜赛人一样。I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.