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我可以借你的订书机吗?。May I borrow your stapler ?

这订书机是她的。The stapler belongs to her.

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能借用下你的订书机吗?Can I borrow your stapler , please?

除了订书机之外,我们的办公用品还能用一段时间。All our supplies can last quite some time except staplers.

你可以召唤一个订书机、一头恐龙甚至是一个巫师来帮你。Think a stapler or a dinosaur or a wizard can assist you in your quest?

亲爱的上帝,我想订书机是你最伟大的发明之一。露丝。Dear God, I think the stapler is one of your greatest invention. Ruth M.

将纸板边缘沿剪口处重叠使之形成一个圆锥,用订书机固定。Overlap the edges of the poster board to the desired cone shape. Staple in place.

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在此情况下,我们可以很容易地得到一个红色订书机,但是要得到一台传真机则需要经过批准才行。Thus we can easily get a red stapler, but have to have approval to get a FAX machine.

一切都得从头开始,当时我们连订书机、笔、纸或书桌都没有。We had to start from the very beginning. We didn’t have staplers, pens, paper, or desks.

理论上,融资细节用订书机钉在收购条款单的背面。Details of the financing are, in theory, stapled to the back of the acquisition term sheet.

学习如何正确和安全地存放在这个自由的教育短片系列电动订书机。Learn how to properly and safely store your electric stapler in this free educational video series.

一台笔记本几乎能包揽了我的工作,根本用不着像钢笔,纸夹,订书机之类碍手碍脚的东西。I do almost all of my work digitally, so really don't need pens, paperclips, or a stapler standing by.

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记住,背您应该十字绣几乎像前面整洁如果你是一个很好的订书机。Remember, the back of your cross stitch shou ld be almost as neat as the front if you are a good stitcher.

花时间去找你的订书机、计算器、笔记本或者笔是很大的浪费,而且会造成压力和挫折感。Searching for your stapler , calculator, note pad or pen is a time-waster, creating stress and frustration.

“订书机”是一种能将一小块金属穿过一沓纸把它们放在一起的小物体。A "stapler" is a small object that pushes a small piece of metal through pieces of paper to hold them together.

了解一些关于如何正确使用电动订书机工作在这个自由区的安全教育系列影片的提示。Learn some work-area safety tips on how to properly use electric staplers in this free educational video series.

我们已经有了在令人厌恶甜柔和的色彩,这些超级可爱的主食,在可爱的小狗和小猫风格的自由订书机。We've got these super cute staple-free staplers in adorable doggie and kitty styles in sickeningly-sweet pastel colors.

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要用订书机的时候,才发现没有订书针。老天,要是我早些在史泰博的时候知道就好了。You go to staple something, and you're out of staples. Gosh, I wish I'd known that earlier today when I was at Staples.

同样一份冗长的文档。你试图向下滚动……结果发现没法滚动用订书机订成一本的多页纸张。The same lengthy document. You try to scroll down . . . before realising you cannot scroll down stapled sheets of paper.

只见它伸出带关节的机械臂,四下里旋转,然后就用带橡皮垫的长手指轻轻地拾起了订书机。Its articulated arm reaches out, swivels here and there, and then gently picks up the stapler with long, rubber-clad fingers.