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不过我以前玩铁拳也很不错。But I was also really good in Tekken before.

铁拳迈克的末路也由此开始。It was the beginning of the end for Iron Mike.

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只可惜您那铁拳头及不上你的嘴皮子快啊。Too bad your fists aren't as fast as your mouth.

公安部部长警告新疆恐怖分子小心人民铁拳。Top police chief warns terrorists of 'iron fist'.

埃及司法部长警告说,政府将以“铁拳”来恢复秩序。Ministers promised what they called an ‘iron fist’ to restore order.

我把它们带到外面并包在铁拳的塑像上。I took them outside and wrapped them on that statue of the clenched fist.

这是否意味着俄罗斯会放弃其铁拳模式?Does this mean that Russia will get away with its smash-and-grab operation?

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万代游戏将提供休息室的铁拳,山脊赛车,并刀魂。Bandai Namco will deliver lounges for Tekken, Ridge Racer, and Soul Calibur.

“铁拳”系统在试验中演示了完全拦截穿甲动能弹丸能力,并在每个阶段演示了所需的性能。Iron Fist demonstrated the required performance capabilities for each phase.

一位旅行者告诉我,恩洛思的铁拳王朝失去了天堂之令。A traveler told me that the Ironfists of Enroth have lost the mandate of heaven.

在“铁拳”演习中,日本人带来了丰田卡车和悍马车。In the "iron fist" exercise, the Japanese brought the Toyota trucks and Humvees.

对原教旨主义者采取的铁拳政策不可能中止。The iron- fist policy towards the fundamentalists is unlikely to be interrupted.

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遍及整个阿拉伯世界,都是伴随着铁拳的专制统治的模式。Throughout the Arab world, the model is one where a despot rules with an iron fist.

趁此机会,年轻的德军士兵们使用“铁拳”和燃烧瓶给予苏军沉重打击。Wilker's boy soldiers attacked the remainder with Panzerfausts and Molotov cocktails.

自由化在那个国家的铁拳下从没成型过,不管一般老百姓是多么的苦命。Liberalisation has never come at the expense of the regime’s grip on power, however impoverished it renders ordinary folk.

刘勃麟方兴未艾的艺术生涯中的第二个断点发生在2007年,即颇具争议性的作品“握紧的铁拳”。The second break in the very young career of Liu Bolin takes place in 2007 with an emblematic sculpture, the "Closed Fist".

像生与死3和铁拳这类的战斗游戏也属于动作类游戏,虽然他们的规则和动作类游戏的规则略微不同。Fighting games like DOA3 and Tekken also can be considered a type of action game, even though their rules are slightly different.

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在2002年,乌干达军队针对北部和乌干达和南部苏丹的圣主抵抗军营地,发起了由美国资助的铁拳行动。In 2002, the Ugandan military launched a U.S.-aided campaign called Iron Fist against LRA camps in Uganda's north and Sudan's south.

该武器可称作二战时期美国的巴祖卡火箭筒与德国铁拳的现代子孙。它是一种可方便随身携带的肩扛式发射武器。This is really the modern-day son of the US bazooka and the German panzerfaust of World War II. It is shoulder-fired and highly portable.

2004年,第二次铁拳行动将圣主抵抗军的许多成员驱逐到了苏丹和临近的民主刚果共和国,但在其他方面却毫无战果。A second Iron Fist campaign in 2004 pushed much of the LRA into Sudan and the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo but did little else.