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将及时向你通报情况。对吗?You will be kept informed.

我已经通报了国王泰瑞纳斯。I've got to inform King Terenas.

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仆人唱名通报史密斯先生来访。The servant announced Mr. Smith.

通报大人不算告密。Telling an adult is not snitching.

一个女人在电话里通报了价格。A woman quoted prices over the phone.

他的仆人通报怀特夫妇驾临。His servantannounced Mr. and Mrs. White.

她要求所有情况都得向她通报。She demands to be informed of everything.

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在救援沃尔什的路上,杰克给泰瑞打电话通报情况。Jack checks in with Teri on his way to help Walsh.

警报和通报系统会鸣响。The alert and notification system will be sounded.

美国之音驻白宫记者司各特斯通报道。VOA White House correspondent Scotts Stone reports.

这是对泰航前往曼谷的260次航班的最后一次通报。This is the final call for TG flight 260 to Bangkok.

北莱茵-威斯特法伦州在48周内通报了1749例。In NRW, 1749 cases were notified over a 48-week period.

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并立即通报了他的拉法耶特的连接。And immediate were informed of his Lafayette connection.

浙江征税群体性事件28人被拘通报称得到控制。Tax fight escalates into Zhejiang riot as 28 are detained.

年轻女人读了报纸上的警情通报。The young woman reads the police blotter in the newspaper.

沙特阿拉伯向美国情报部门通报了包裹的可疑之处。Saudi Arabia tipped off U.S. intelligence about the parcels.

我猜想,他是给母亲打电话,但是他没有通报情况。I figured he'd called my mother, but he didn't give a report.

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你在美国期间她会不断向你通报情况。She will keep you informed while you are in the United States.

专家们相信,大多数问题并未如实通报给FDA。Experts believe most problems are under-reported to the agency.

通报文件可从欧共体咨询点获取。The notification document can be obtained from the EC Enquiry Point.