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抗衡速食和快节奏生活.Rebel against fast food and fast life.

在这个价位上你很难找到一款可以和他抗衡的竿子。You won't find a more sensitive rod on the planet!

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娃娃兵无法与西方军队抗衡Child Soldiers Are No Match for Western Militaries.

战术原子武器被视为抗衡手段。Tactical atomic weapons were viewed as the counter.

他现在已具备和你抗衡的足够力量。He has been habilitated enough powers to oppose you.

迅速的变化将会刺激抗衡行动。Rapid changes will provoke counterbalancing actions.

与之抗衡的是新闻有限公司,是多默多克新闻集团的分支。Its major rival is News Limited, an offshoot of Murdoch's News Corp.

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光线在与云霓的抗衡中觅到了她五光十色的珍宝。Light finds her treasure of colours through the antagonism of clouds.

若该公司收到条件更优的要约,武钢有权提出相同要约相抗衡.If the Company gets a superior offer, WISCO will have the right to match it.

康立液体有机螺旋藻也能有效改善免疫系统的运作机能,使人体能有效的抗衡病菌袭击器官。It can also help to cleanse our body's internal organs and boosts our immune system.

我甚至发现自己往往借助一种修辞抗衡另一种修辞,通常是为了达到反讽的效果。I even find myself playing one diction off against another, usually for ironic effect.

对更重大的挑战来说,抗衡朋友或者为了正确的答案设置期限。For a greater challenge, play against a friend or seta time limit for a correct answer.

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这里我们有两个互相抗衡的概念结构,现象主义的和物理主义的。Here we have two competing conceptual schemes, a phenomenalistic one and a physicalistic one.

益胰宝是一种综合天然草药的传统配方,对控制及抗衡高血糖拥有卓越。AyuBes is an herbal combination that is very effective in controlling and reducing high blood sugar.

加拿大也把与中国间的关系当作是能与美国抗衡的潜在力量。Like others, Canada also sees ties with China as a potential source of leverage with the United States.

而且,在我们周围的每个角落都会有快餐店为你服务—提供一个有油脂有热气腾腾的汉堡牛肉饼只是几秒钟的事情.那与之抗衡的唯一方法便是,让自己制作的食品就像快餐食品那样方便。The only real way to counteract this is by making your healthy food just as convenient as unhealthy food.

它取代索尼,成为头名电视品牌,在手机领域逐渐成为唯一能和诺基亚抗衡的对手。It has overtaken Sony as the top TV brand and emerged as the only credible challenger to Nokia in mobile phones.

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当他们的主要目标似乎是针对手机用户来投放资源的,yelp可以一直与Foursquare抗衡吗?While their main goal seems to be aiming resources at their mobile users, can Yelp also compete with Foursquare?

鉴于这种现实,让一些机构抗衡巨额金钱权力就显得尤为重要。Given this reality, it’s important to have institutions that can act as counterweights to the power of big money.

同时,斯凯勒抗衡一个莫名其妙的消失,玛丽发现很难帮助恢复汉克。Meanwhile, Skyler contends with a puzzling disappearance, and Marie finds it difficult to help a recovering Hank.