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长期以来,季先生对书画艺术的研究孜孜不倦,乐此不疲,可谓乐业。A long time, Mr. quarter study diligently the art of calligraphy and painting, this way, can enjoy.

他们把员工当成了机器人,员工当然会缺少敬业乐业的精神。They take employee as robot, the employee certainly will be in need of respect-work joy industry of spirit.

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创立乐业“名牌”有机刺梨,促进生产良性发展。The famous-brand product of Leye organic thorny pear shall be found to promote production development well. 5.

宝钗日与黛玉迎春姊妹等一处,或看书下棋,或作针黹,倒也十分乐业。Baochai spent her time with Daiyu, Yingchun and the other girls very happy to read, play CheSS or sew with them.

以自然环境、人居环境、社会环境建设为重点,构建宜居乐业的和谐黄岩。Build a harmonious, affordable and reachable Huangyan, focusing on natural, residental and community environment.

乐业多山,7月多雨,地下湖会增容,对于考察来说是一段危险的时间。In mountainous Leye it often rains in July and the underground lakes swell, making it a dangerous time to explore.

他们敬业乐业,克尽厥职,致力使香港在下世纪成为一个更美好的地方。这些特质是香港社会的珍贵资产。Their enthusiasm and commitment to making Hong Kong an even better place in the next century is a very valuable asset to all of us here in Hong Kong.

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“安居乐业”是每个中国人的美好愿望之一,而只有“安居”才可以“乐业”。设计美好的居所,也是“思哲”设计人的美好愿望和努力目标之一。"Every Chinese diiulio" is one of the good wishes, and only "live" can "happy". Design good dwelling place, also is "Seer" designer's desire and effort one target.

以自然环境、人居环境、社会环境建设为重点,构建宜居乐业的和谐黄岩。We shall focus on the construction of natural environment, living environment and social environment, to build the harmonious Huangyan perfect for living and business.

带着同样的期待,怡安翰威特集结企业高管和人力资源专业人士参与“乐业中国2011第二期人力资源群英会”。With same aspirations, Aon Hewitt, gathering with senior management and HR professionals from leading companies in China, will hold Aon Hewitt 2nd Talent Carnival 2011.

广西乐业大石围天坑附近,把吉村高山汉现存的造纸术,是中国古代四大发明之一的造纸术的延续和发展。Baji village, close to Dashiwei of Leye in Guangxi Province, has the papermaking which is the continuity and development of one of the four greatest inventions in ancient China.

能欣赏自己,才能敬业乐业,写文章的人,若老是觉得自己的文章不行,我不相信他有信心涂下去。Self-appreciation is therefore key to professional dedication and enjoyment of work. One will lose confidence in continuing with writing when he ceases to admire his own essays.

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能欣赏自己,才能敬业乐业,写文章的人,若老是觉得自己的文章不行,我不相信他有信心涂下去。Self-appreciation is therefore the key to professional dedication and enjoyment of work. One will lose confidence in continuing with writing when he ceases to admire his own essays.

一直以来,地铁得以维持安全及畅顺的运作,很大程度上有赖地铁有限公司车务处4,500名员工和众多承办商本著敬业乐业的精神,日以继夜进行各项营运和维修活动。Its safe and smooth operation relies heavily on 4500 committed employees and many contractors of the Operations Division working round the clock for numerous operation and maintenance activities.

乐业大石围天坑群具有世界级的旅游资源品位,由于交通的不便、天坑本身陡峭险峻等因素,使旅游者对景区产生的形象感知偏差。Dashiwei Tiankeng has the tourism resources of world-class quality. But some factors like inconvenient traffic conditions and precipitous relief usually bring about prejudice to tourist's sensation.