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逼到绝路上,他就真正的为爹爹报了仇了。Force to in the dead end, he real of revenged for daddy.

他是一位才华横溢的象棋高手。他要把她一点一点地逼上绝路。He is a brilliant chess player. He is trying to eliminate her bit by bit.

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许多持卡人自不量力,让卡债逼上绝路。Many card holders who don't know their limits get into debts over their heads.

人们总是错误假定,除非被逼上绝路,犬不会扑咬。Too often, people incorrectly assume that the dog won't bite unless he is cornered.

灰狼一直都是一些家畜养殖户的烦恼,但从没把牧场主们逼上绝路过。The wolf has been a pain to some stockmen, but has hardly put ranchers out of business.

中国观察人士认为这种并购是有意要把中国的品牌逼上绝路,或者把它们统统杀死。Chinese observers consider the merger to push Chinese brands to corner, or kill them all.

飓风在绝路中寻找捷径,又突然地在“无影之国”终止了它的寻觅。The hurricane seeks the shortest road by the no-road and suddenly ends its search in the Nowhere.

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飓风在绝路中寻找捷径,又突然地在“无影之国”终止了它的寻觅。The hurricane seeks the shortest road by the no -road , and suddenly ends its search in the Nowhere.

我知道佩奇的压力很大。所以你最好小心对待他,否则会把他逼上绝路的。I know Page is under great pressure. So you'd better treat him with care or he may be put up the wall.

张说,“世界不能将它们推向绝路,不能把它们边缘化并排除在全球繁荣之外。The world cannot afford to have corners of it which are marginalized and left out of global prosperity.

对饱受精神创伤折磨的人,任何新打击都可能使之走上绝路。For those who are fully cued with mental sca , any new attack is liable to put them on the road to ruin.

我知道佩奇的压力很大。所以你最好小心对待他,否则会把他逼上绝路的。I know Page is under great pressure. So you'd better treat him with care or he may be driven up the wall.

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总量的匮乏,水污染的日益加剧,更是将人类一步步逼向死亡的绝路。The shortage of water and the more and more pollution of it will force us into the one-way road of death.

我没法容忍那种想法,就是弗兰西丝将变成象我这样自我毁灭、走向绝路的摇滚歌手。I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable self-destructive, death rocker that I've become.

慕瑶请汪潼帮忙送那个断腿的士兵返乡,却不知道是送他上了绝路。Please help to send Wang Mu Yao Tong that leg soldiers returning home, do not know is to send him on the road to ruin.

如果被逼上绝路或有严峻的压力时,他将呈现他真实的形态,抛弃他现在的身体和新获得的荣誉。If cornered and sorely pressed, he reveals his true nature, abandoning his possessed body and emerging in all his glory.

无独有偶的是,IBM把反垄断诉讼作为更广范围的“平台战”的一部分,希望把微软公司逼上绝路。Similarly, antitrust lobbying is part of a broader “platform war” for IBM, which hopes thereby to keep Microsoft at bay.

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但是问题在于,“德国正统派”所提出的教条的解决方案其实是在将欧元逼向绝路。The problem is that the dogmatic prescriptions of the “German orthodoxy” are pushing the single currency towards collapse.

唯理主义、科学主义和消费主义既是现代性畸形发展的结果,又是把现代性推向绝路的动力。As a result of the extreme development of modernity, rationalism, scientism and consumerism bring modernity into the road to ruin.

第二个原因与其说是因为他的能力倒不如说是因为逼其入绝路的危险。The second reason why the renomination makes sense has less to do with Mr Bernanke’s strengths than with the dangers of ditching him.