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青史所留皆为帝王之名The books are filled with the names of kings.

青史册册,人才辈出,各领风骚,谁人相助Every ten years a great man Who paid the piper?

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纵然青史已经成灰,我爱不灭。Even if history goes up in ashe, my love never ever dies.

这就是我们将如何成就这昭彰青史的一刻。That is how we will make the most of this extraordinary moment.

奉献几多血和汗,不求青史留英名。How much blood and sweat dedication, but not French law of England.

但是他作为最伟大的作曲家而留名青史。But went down in the history as one of the greatest composers of all time.

而青史之上,举大业者亦莫不有择于转折也。And, for the great cause above history would have in turn also choose also.

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多少先辈志士,无畏抒壮举,青史留功绩。The number of ancestors patriots, fearless express feat legacy remain merit.

我根柢没有期视留名青史,假如是那样,便暗示我曾经死了。I don't want to be remembered at all. If I'm being remembered it means I'm dead.

我认为我可以在社区里帮助那些需要帮助的人,可能不会留垂青史,但至少在一些人心中占有了一定的位置。Let me see. I think I can make an impact in our local community by helping those people around us when we can.

那些留名青史的艺术家都有一条属于个人的彩色小径,他们都给后来者以启迪。Those artists who went down in history have left a personal color trail and they have enlightened the newcomers.

那样的话,她也许会同安妮·哈钦逊携手并肩,作为一个教派的创始人,名标青史。Then, she might have come down to us in history, hand in hand with Ann Hutchinson, as the foundress of a religious sect.

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他还开玩笑说乔治。华盛顿也许会名标青史,跟乔治三世②不相上下。He added, in a jesting way, that perhaps GeorgeWashington might gain almost as great a name in history as Georgethe Third.

因此,印度应该采取这项计划,在让许多国家可以获得廉价仿制药方面留名青史。Therefore, India should undertake this initiative, given its own track record in making cheap generics available to many countries.

从1805年四月到1806年8月,这位美国青年原住民加入到路易斯和克拉克的那次划时代的西部之旅,并得以青史留名。From April 1805 to August 1806, the Native American teen traveled with Lewis and Clark on their landmark journey west—and achieved enduring fame.

如果他或任何其他人能够在中国这场史诗般的绿对黑的竞赛中有所助力的话,他也会青史留名。If he—or anyone else—can somehow help green beat black in this epic Chinese race, he'll deserve a hallowed place near the front of that pantheon.

而令它青史留名的正是其本身傻瓜式但杰出的设计——因为嘿,你可能要说,电子邮件同样充满了空洞的废话。And what makes it historical is that it's stupid and splendid by virtue of its design—because Hey, you might say, Email is full of inane bullshit too.

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如果达赖能在有生之年,与中国政府谈判取得成功,那也是青史留名的一段佳话。If the Dalai Lama in his lifetime, the success of the negotiations with the Chinese government, that is the legacy of unnamed for some much-told story.

弗格森解决门将这一球队缺陷的不利让人费解,但那些令人惊艳的足以流传青史的冠军头衔,足以让他安然度过这个反常的颗粒无收的赛季。His failure to address the team's goalkeeping deficiencies remains bizarre, yet a breathtaking, history-making run of trophies allows him the odd fallow year.

赫歇尔子承父业,努力抬头看星星的同时,也因为对摄影和现代科学方法的贡献而青史留名。John Herschel followed his father in pushing the bounds of astronomy, but made equally notable achievements in photography and in defining the modern scientific method.