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她对老鼠有病态恐惧。She has a compex about rats.

整个世界都摇晃了,病态了。The world reeled and sickened.

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多么病态又有被虐倾向的狮子啊。What a sick, masochistic lion.

液压系统数学模型一般属“病态”模型。The mathematics model is ill-conditioning.

会干这种事的人一定是个病态、人格扭曲的傢伙。Whoever did it is a sick , twisted person.

他被从病态的幻想中解脱出来。He was disenthralled from morbid fantasies.

他曾说,挂心不等于病态的忧心忡忡。He's not pathological or anything, he says.

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因为他们喜欢或者是病态心理。Because they like or their morbid psychology.

高度自我中心的病态阴谋家。Ruthiessly self-centred psychopathic schemers.

高度自我中心的病态阴谋家。Ruthlessly self-centred psychopathic schemers.

图像处理是病态问题。Image processing is an ill-conditioned problem.

德国病态地兴奋,并失去平衡。Germany was morbidly overexcited and unbalanced.

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处于病态时,它必然在痰中出现。In disease states, it does appear in the sputum.

歌颂为他人牺牲的病态温情主义!Sickly sentimentalism about sacrifice for others!

黑色幽默是指病态的或不健康的,阴郁的幽默。Black humor is morbid or unhealthy and gloomy humor.

健忘是一种病态,善忘是一种境界。Forgetfulness is a morbid, forgetfulness is a realm.

健忘是一种病态,善忘是一种境界。Forgetfulness is a disease, forgetfulness is a realm.

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浑河、辽河沈阳段生态健康状况属于病态。Therefore, it evaluated the status of the eco-health.

一个很大的动静将我从这种病态的沉思中惊醒过来。A large movement shocked me from my morbid contemplation.

当BMI大于40时就可认为是病态的肥胖。A person with a BMI of oer 40 is considered morbidly obese.