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1959年牧区全面实行了人民公社化。From 1959, the pastoral areas practiced people's commune.

那个州是一个天然的放牧区,那里的牧草是吃不完的。That state is a natural grazing country and cannot be eaten out.

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在草炭牧区这些排放尤其普遍。In peat pasture areas these emissions are particularly prevalent.

而目前给牧区牧民的补贴是属于被动性补偿性补贴。But the subsidy of pastoral area and herdsman is passive and back-off.

放牧区根系的平均含氮量均高于对照区,中度放牧有利于根系氮贮量的提高。The medium grazing favored a increase of content of total nitrogen in root.

出租车客运市场能够在我国的牧区出现与存在,这本身就是一个新的事物。It is a novelty that taxi market can appear and exist in China's pastureland.

牧民们可能想把牧区用电网围起来,叫做围场。Farmers may want put up electric fences to enclose grazing areas, called paddocks.

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蒙古牧区曾经的狩猎,捕狼的传统习俗也随之在消亡。Consequently traditional custom of hunting wolf has vanished as well in the region.

然而,其在高流动牧区情况下的可行性还有待证明。However, their feasibility in a highly mobile pastoral setting remains to be shown.

在短短几年内,后者成功地转化成三牧区的Provicariate。In a few years, the latter managed to transform the Provicariate into three vicariates.

用封育治理和飞播治理的办法治理水土流失比较适合牧区这一特点。Using measures. such as enclosed meadow and sowing by plane are suitable in pastoral area.

在10月12日有两名患病儿童从牧区乘车来到医院。On October 12 two sick children arrived at the hospital in a vehicle from a nomad encampment.

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支持牧区和少数民族聚居山区加快发展。We will support more rapid development of pastoral areas and ethnic minority mountain regions.

她刚来牧区的时候,生活上感到有点别扭。When she first came to this pastoral area, she found life here a bit difficult to get used to.

牧区教育是阿坝州民族教育的重要组成部分。Education of pastoral areas is an important component of the ethnic education in ABa Prefecture.

长达373英里的吉布河路把位于西澳核心地区的金伯利高原一分为二,它原是一条牧区道路,把面积有比利时那样大小的牧场与温德姆港口联系起来。The Gibb River Road's 373 miles bisect the remote heart of Western Australia's Kimberley Plateau.

适用于牧业区和以牧业区为主的半农半牧区,蚕桑区。It is applicable to pasturing areas and semi-agricultural and semi-pasturing areas, silkworm areas.

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冬季降雪是影响我国北方草原牧区畜牧业发展的重要因子。Snow cover is an improtant factor influencing animal husbandry in winter in the north part of China.

牧民可能想要电篱笆以围住放牧区,这叫围场。Farmers may want to put up electric fences to inclose enclose grazing areas, called productspaddocks.

对内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市牧区98个乳样中的明串珠菌进行了分离及生物学特性研究。Three strains of Leuconostoc were isolated from 98 dairy samples collected from the Hulunber pastoral area.