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我很快就摸清了他的底细。I soon had him taped.

告诉我那新经理的底细.Give me the lowdown on the new manager.

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别跟我瞎吹了,我又不你的底细。No big talk with me, I have your number.

其诊断结果是基底细胞癌。The diagnosis was a basal cell carcinoma.

别跟我哭穷了,我知道你的底细。Don't poor-mouth to me, I have your number.

我来告诉你们怎么进一步摸清他的底细。Let me tell you how to learn more about him.

尔勒·科夫知道他们的底细。Erle Keefer knew about their wild backgrounds.

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店主知我底细,随托我开药。I know Dixi owner, asked me to open with the drug.

没有人知道这个情况的底细。No one knows all the ins and outs of this situation.

P63蛋白主要标记颌下腺排泄管的基底细胞。P63 labels mainly the basal cells of excretory duct.

他对这个机构的底细了如指掌。He knows the ins and outs of this organization like a book.

他似乎对我的吹牛感兴趣,但不动声色,所以我还是不知道他的底细。He seemed interested in a quiet sort of way, but it was no good.

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查看底细之后你就会发现巨头们喜欢上了洁净商业。You can see why the titans like it when you check the bottom lines.

他怎么知道的?他跟我一样,都雇人调查别人的底细。How and why would he know that?He has a p. i. on retainer, like I do.

我知道他的底细,他不如其他的教授那样受欢迎。I have his number. He enjoys less popularity than most other professors.

你要晓得红眼睛阿义是去盘盘底细的,他却和他攀谈了。You know, Red-eye went to sound him out, but he started chatting with him.

比起去到你们花了百万巨资打造的网站,那样更能摸清你们的底细。That would get your name around better than your entire million dollar web site.

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如图所示为上眼睑已被活检证实的基底细胞癌。The image shown is of a biopsy-proven basal cell carcinoma of the upper lid margin.

你不必为了了解他的底细而与他交往6个月.You don't have to date a guy for six months to get the lowdown on who he really is.

鼻咽上皮的基底细胞具有相同的超微结构特点。The basal cells of epithelia in the nasopharynx had similar ultrastructural features.