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地理空间数据是地理信息系统的基础。Geo -spatial data is the basis of GIS.

地名信息系统是城市地理信息系统的一个组成部分。Toponym Geographic Information System is a part of urban GIS.

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因此,地图符号化也是地理信息系统的重要内容之一。Accordingly map symbolization is one of important matters of GIS.

图形空间分析是地理信息系统的重要功能之一。Graphic spatial analysis is one of the important functions of GIS.

应用克立格插值法及地理信息系统原理绘制了综合质量图。We drew a comprehensive environmental quality map by Kriging and GIS.

是建立有校园特色的地理信息系统的有益的探索。These are helpful for developing CGIS and inputting to UGIS eventually.

所谓地理信息系统是架构数字信息基础上的。The so-called Geographic Information System is based on data information.

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“甘肃省情信息系统”是一个面向政务的政府地理信息系统。Gansu situation information system is a compact program for government affair.

地理信息系统应用十分广泛,在水利部门中的应用更具优势。GIS is widely used, and the application of GIS in water conservancy has advantage.

地理信息系统已经成为覆盖领域十分广泛而通用的高新技术。GIS has been the jumped-up technology which is very broad and current to all fields.

它的研究范围从水生和陆生生态学到远程遥感和地理信息系统。KBS research ranges from aquatic and terrestrial ecology, to remote sensing and GIS.

支持ARGO计划的地理信息系统平台能分析处理海量的海洋信息。The GIS software that support ARGO program can analysis a great lot of data in ocean.

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本文的研究内容是城市排水管网地理信息系统的系统分析与设计。It is expected that GIS would be an effective tool to urban drainage network management.

开发了基于地理信息系统和遥感技术的流域农业生态经济系统结构优化的方法。The ratio of input-output is not high in agriculture eco-economy system, which means that.

以移动智能终端为载体的移动GIS已成为地理信息系统的一个新的研究领域。And mobile GIS, which based on mobile intelligent terminal has become a new research field.

目前操作系统的地理信息系统提供半优化瓦发电,素-投影和世界贴砖。Currently OS-GIS offers semi-optimised tile generation, osm-reprojection and in-world tiling.

以淮南市为例,探讨了基于地理信息系统GIS技术进行城市大气环境质量评价的分析方法。This paper described the GIS aided evaluation of air quality in Huainan City, Anhui Province.

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最后讨论了建立地区RS判别模型、多时态地理信息系统等问题。Finally, questions concerning the establishment of RS interpretation model and TGIS are discussed.

目的利用遥感与地理信息系统技术监测太湖蓝藻的动态变化。Objective To monitor dynamic changes of cyanobacterial blooms using remote sensing and GIS techniques.

该应用由全球最大的地理信息系统制造商ESRI开发。ESRI developed the service. The company is the world's largest maker of geographic information systems.