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他像猪似的号叫著。He squealed like a pig.

那只猫疼的号叫起来。The cat yowled his pain.

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他发信号叫我们停下。He signalled to us to stop.

每个婴孩害怕的号叫。In every infant's cry of fear.

我要让她号叫着改正她说过的话!I'll make her howl a recantation!'

我无法听见你真实悲痛的号叫。I can't hear your true grieved wawl.

报刊给他们起了个绰号叫"四绝".The papers dubbed them The Fab Four'.

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我发信号叫侍者拿烟灰缸来。I signaled to the waiter for an ashtray.

杀手林克斯,红色魔爪欢舞者,温柔地号叫。Lynx-Killer, Red Talons Galliard, howls softly.

头猛冲后背好像号叫,一只猴子仅仅打哈欠。Head flung back as if to howl, the monkey merely yawns.

接着海格突然像一只受伤的狗号叫了一声。Then, suddenly, Hagrid let out a howl like a wounded dog.

他们真的就那样号叫出来个什么东西。Oh, papa, oh!" They really did howl out something in that way.

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他在歌声中大声地号叫,这样使他感覚很好。He yelled out loudly in the sound of singing , that made him felt good.

你能在各座山间听见我的号叫。"You could hear me yelling from mountaintop to mountaintop, " Fay says.

我听到野狗在号叫,害怕得一整晚都睡不著。Hearing wild dogs howling, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep all night.

有一次,牧人捉住小猪,它大声号叫,猛烈地抗拒。Once the Shepherd caught the piggy, it howled loudly and disputed fiercely.

乌特加德的设计与整个号叫峡湾的设计紧密关联。Utgarde's design ties closely into the creation of Howling Fjord as a whole.

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那些鬼怪高兴地把号叫着的屠夫带走了,还一边走一边踢他。The demons gleefully dragged the howling butcher away, kicking him as they went.

经过一个号叫,他作了最大努力,展开两翼,扔天空。After making a yowl, he made his best efforts to unfold two wings, flinging into the sky.

有一次,牧人捉住小猪,牠大声号叫,猛烈地抗拒。One day the person caught the pock , though it rebelled with strong howl and made great noise.