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健全的精力寓于康健的身板。B sound mind in a sound body.

健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。——朱文奴。Sound spirit, in a sound body.

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健全的精力寓于健康的身体。A sound mind in a complete body.

你不健全的那么肯定,你说谎?You don't sound so sure, are you lieing?

固定健全问题,诺基亚的S40平台。Fixed sound issues on Nokia S40 platform.

基层民主制度进一步健全。Primary-level democracy to further perfect.

一个不健全的意愿怎么能治愈一个不健全的灵魂呢?How could a diseased will heal a diseased soul?

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多年来,希腊的财政政策一直都不健全。For years, Greek fiscal policy had been unsound.

难道你们当中没有一个精神健全的人吗?Is there not among you a single right-minded man?

健全的背景有5反复荒野的声音。Sound background have 5 reiterative wilds sounds.

他们建议在审判前先开一个关于他是否精神健全的听证会。They recommended a sanity hearing prior to trial.

你应祈盼在健全的身体里有健全的头脑。You should pray for a sound mind in a sound body.

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健全的身体比金冕更有价值。A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.

我求佛让我残缺的孩子健全。I asked Buddha to make my handicapped child whole.

你现在的脸,逐步健全内部西丽朦胧。You now face, and gradually Xili hazy sound inside.

在一健全有组织的社会你可以做好许多事。In a sanely organized society you can get a lot done.

一个年轻人,心情冷下来时,头脑会变得健全。A young man, heart cold down, mind will become perfect.

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心理不健全者,胆小者慎用!Psychology is diseased person, milquetoast careful with!

在20世纪40年代,那是个健全、精巧的小社区。In the 1940’s it was a wholesome, quaint little community.

作为我们外交政策基础的原则是健全的。The principles which underlie our foreign policy are sound.