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结果挖了580口机井和几条水渠。Consequently, 580 power-operated wells and some canals have been dug.

消防员在机井里放了一个梯子。Firefighters reportedly placed a ladder in the elevator shaft to reach the child.

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对杆柱实施扶正已成为聚驱抽油机井杆管防偏磨的一种重要措施。Centralization for tubing is one of the important methods to prevent eccentrical rub.

大型修井机井架的强度是保证正常修井作业的安全指标。The strength of the workover derrick is a safely factor to secure normal workover operation.

卫生条件非常差,手动机井提取干净饮用水的办法也不够好。The hygiene conditions are very bad, the hand pumps for clean drinking water are not good enough.

本文对FVJ—1型复合材料无人增音机井进行了应力分析。Stress analysis for unmanned well of repeater with fiber reinforced material, type FVJ-1, is discussed.

村民尹志国合上机井开关,不一会儿,水就从碗口粗的管子里喷涌而出。Villagers Yin Zhiguo closes the mechanical well switch, before long, the water spout from the lip thick pipe.

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针对胜坨油田特高含水开发后期,抽油机井杆管偏磨、腐蚀加剧等问题,研究开发出空心杆油润滑防偏磨技术。To solve the problem of eccentric wear of tubing and rod strings in rod pumped wells, a new technique is developed.

在抽油机井方面,研制并现场试验了井下缓释固体化学防垢块和防垢泵等措施。In the aspect of pumping jack, the scale inhibitor block and anti-scaling pump are developed and applied in oilfield.

抽油机井集流式涡轮流量计录井的频率响应随抽油泵冲次周期性变化,给测试取值造成困难。Frequency response of logs from packer type flowmeter in pumping wells, varies periodically with stroke number of pump.

抽油机井示功仪测试的上、下漏失曲线反映了抽油杆在静止状态下的受力。The leakage curves in the indicator diagram of a pumping well reflect the forces born by the sucking rod in static state.

官方称小孩的腿夹在机井和电梯厢中间,身体在电梯厢以下。Officials say the child's leg was lodged between the elevator car and shaft, with the child's body hanging below the elevator car.

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对于停用的离心泵,要把泵和胶管提出机井,放净泵内和胶管内的存水。A centrifugal pump for the disabled, it is necessary to pump and hose to motor-pumped wells, pumps and a net release of water hose.

而目前国产海洋修井机井架的设计大都采用传统的设计方法,从而造成海洋修井机井架尺寸和质量均偏大。Most of the homemade ocean workover rigs are designed by the traditional method at present, therefore they are fairly large and heavy.

原油含水上升、抽油机工作参数变大、结蜡等因素,都将导致抽油机井悬点载荷增加,引起抽油杆的疲劳损坏。The analytical results suggest that the fatigue breakdown caused by asymmetry circulating stress effect is the main reason for sucker rod break.

并对得到的实验数据进行处理、分析,最终达到分析海洋修井机井架性能参数的目的。What's more, it can deal with and analyze the experimental data gotten and finally achieve the capability parameters of marine workover rigs derrick.

抽油机井功图试井技术是将抽油井变流量技术、诊断技术及抽汲参数优化技术有机结合起来的一种不停产试井技术。Pumping dynamometer card test is a no stop producing technique combining variation flux in pumping wells, diagnosis and swabbing parameter optimization.

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实例计算表明,预测示功图与实测示功图基本相符,可以用于分析抽油机井的工作状况。The results show that the predicting surface dynamometer card is consistent with the measured card and can be used to analyze the data of pumping wells.

针对有线方式存在的缺陷,利用无线通信技术,开发出无线便携式抽油机井示功图测试仪。Facing on the obstacles of wire style, the research used wireless communication technique and developed the wireless and portable indicator diagram tester.

对在原有厂房内、复杂场地土上的机床基础的支护方案选择,大型机井的设计与施工,大体积混凝土温度裂缝的控制与计算进行的阐述。The choice of plan with the foundation of equipment in complex soil, The count & control with the crevice for temperature of bib concrete are also discussed.