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我们敢于走前人未尝走过的新路。We dare to break a path unbeaten before.

暑假过得不敢说收获颇丰,倒也未尝白过。Summer vacation was not fruitful, but also have a white cross.

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以一个奇怪的,反其道而行之的角度来看,这也未尝没有道理。In a strange, backhanded sort of way, that seems to make sense.

这时你可能会想把多余的水分排出来,这也未尝不可。You might want to consider draining excess water off at this point.

事事俱备,我可以说,未尝留意你已经离开。Everything ready so I can tell you I didn't even notice you were gone.

把太阳系当成一只巨大的钟,也未尝不可。It is still fair to think of the solar system as a kind of gigantic clock.

当你确信你所占的先机,先发制人未尝不可。Preemptive strikes are okay when you know for sure what you're preempting.

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其一,一位与秋明石油公司有关联的债权人于1998年为一笔未尝账单对Chernogorneft公司提起诉讼。First, in 1998 a TNK-related creditor sued Chernogorneft for an unpaid bill.

网上捐助、网上志愿服务、网上心理咨询,都未尝不可。Online donation, online voluntary service, online counseling, are not cannot.

把它看做一种传统的“行为艺术”,也未尝不可。It would not be wrong to say that it is a kind of traditional art of behavior.

有人至死心中痛苦,终身未尝福乐的滋味。And another dieth in the bitterness of his soul, and never eateth with pleasure.

羲轩之书,未尝去手,尧舜之谈,未尝离口。Xihe porch the book, never to hand, many legends from talk, withhold from mouth.

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或者在你无理地匆忙离开时可能丢弃的一些未尝付的债务?Or a few outstanding debts you chanced to mislay in your indecent haste to depart ?

锤头帮的二线队现时在联赛中敬陪末席,而且未尝一胜。The Hammers second string are currently bottom of their league without a single win.

其对于道学义理之发扬,则是存乎注文、传文当中,未尝敢凌驾于经典圣言之上。He propagates the truth in the annotated text, doesn't dare to surmount the classics.

但麻将虚虚实实,这个时候坚持做五门也未尝不可。But the true mingled with the false mahjong, this time to do five door is also acceptable.

若我帐棚的人未尝说,谁不以主人的食物吃饱呢。If the men of my tabernacle said not, Oh that we had of his flesh! we cannot be satisfied.

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绝大多数的训练会面对面地进行,但是单对单的话,用电邮或电话的也未尝不可。Most coaching takes place face-to-face but individuals can be coached by email or telephone.

事实上,如果你够强的话,辞职自己另起炉灶也未尝不可。In fact it's often possible to quit your job and start your own business if you're good enough.

利物浦在近四次与曼城的交锋中三平一负,未尝胜绩。Liverpool have drawn three and won none of the last four Premier League games against Man City.