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阴极射线被正电荷所吸引。Cathode rays are attracted by a positive charge.

现将阴极射线的一些特性开列如下。Some of the properties of cathode rays listed below.

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因此我们最好别叫它电子束,而是阴极射线。So rather than calling this an electron beam, this was called a cathode ray.

在佩兰研究阴极射线的同时还研究了X射线,并得到了一些有意义的结论。At the same time, Perrin carried out the research on X rays and obtained some significant results.

蓝光是固态阴极射线发光中的特征发光,激子的离化是固态阴极射线发光中的独特过程。Blue light is the characteristic luminescence and the ionization of excitons is the unique process in SSCL.

弯曲的角度,现在我们知道,阴极射线是带电粒子,但从这个实验?So, we know now that we have charged particles. Are these negatively or positively charged based on this evidence?

阴极射线是由阴极射线管产生的低能量负电子,而阴极射线管也被称作电视显像管或示波器。Cathode rays are low-energy negative electrons produced in cathode ray tubes, also called television tubes or oscilloscopes.

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利用阴极射线示波器荧光屏上荧光点的突然位移来指示CPC滴定硼的终点,具有灵敏、准确、快速等特点。The end point of titration of boron by CPC is indicated by the sudden movement of a fluorescent spot on the screen of the cathode ray oscillograph.

另一方面,对平板电视的转变已导致某些经济部门的痛苦,如这些企业,那些生产在高成本地区的传统的阴极射线电视。On the other hand, the shift to flat-panel TVs has caused pain in certain sectors of the economy, such as those firms that make traditional cathode-ray TVs in high-cost locations.

初电子来源是限制固态阴极射线器件亮度提高的一个重要因素,ZnO纳米棒拥有良好的电子传输能力和场发射能力。The beginning electronic source is an important factor limiting the brightness of the SSCL devices. ZnO nanorods have a great electronic transmission capacity and field emission capacity.

在阴极射线的激发下,该合成钻石发射强蓝白荧光,并显示出独特的几何对称生长分区及镶嵌结构。Stimulated by cathode ray, this synthetic diamondproduces strong blue-white fluorescence and displays its specific cathodoluminescent geometric patterns, growth subdivisions and mosaic structure.

拐弯来测试它们是否带电,当两板之间电压为零,或者根本就,没有这两个板时,阴极射线是一条直线,它可以在屏幕上。So, when the voltage difference between the plates is zero, or when we just don't have the plates there at all, the cathode rays are not bent, they just go right in a straight line, and they can be detected on this screen.