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我可以喝点凉水吗?Can I have some water?

喝大量的凉水。Drink lots of cool water.

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一杯凉水取自附近清泉A cup of water from the spring

浸透头发,最后用凉水冲洗干净。Finish up with a cold-water rinse.

我能喝一些凉水吗?Can I have some cold water, please?

妈妈,我可以喝一些凉水吗?Mum , can I have some water, please?

她把凉水泼到脸上。She splashed cold water on her face.

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远水救没有凉水。Far water does not put out near fire.

他很想喝一杯凉水。He thirsted for a drink of cold water.

妈妈,我能喝些凉水吗?Mum , can I have some cold water , please ?

不论寒暑她都用凉水洗澡。She bathed in cold water winter and summer.

将粉丝放入滚烫水煮6-10分钟,再放入凉水后沥乾。Put noodle into bolling water for 6-10 minutes.

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然后把溶液加入装有凉水的金属平底锅里。Add the solution to a metalcanpan of cool water.

你可以根据自己的喜好选择用凉水或温水You can use either warm or cold water if you like

用凉水清洗,以免羽绒服缩水。Wash with cold water. This will prevent shrinking.

休息几分钟之后,要去冲个凉水澡。After resting for a few minutes, take a cool shower.

凉水进入到太阳能集热板底部的管子。Cool water enters the pipes at one end of the panel.

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张开你的嘴,让凉水流到她嘴里。Open your mouth and let the water flow into her mouth.

用凉水冲洗大米,直到水变清为止。Wash the rice in cold water until the water runs clear.

泼一罐凉水在她脸上,她就会苏醒过来。Pour a jug of water on her face, she'll soon come round.