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我真不明白是什么鬼把你迷了心窍――他叽叽咕咕地说。I don't know what gets into you, he mutters.

有传闻说国王被魔鬼迷住了心窍。There was a rumor saying the king was possessed by devils.

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我们往往会因为我们自己的虚荣心,而给弄迷了心窍。It is very often nothing but our own vanity that deceives us.

于是耶稣开他们的心窍,使他们能明白圣经。Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.

我和我的女儿、小外甥,也不会为鬼神迷了心窍。I and my daughter, little nephew , it will not be lost spirits minded manner.

于是耶稣开他们的心窍,使他们能明白圣经。Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures

不过在有人被最近的股市飙升迷失了心窍之前,我这里有一些忠告。But before anyone gets too carried away by the latest surge, here are some caveats.

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这种政策曾经让尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库和他的极权主义帮凶鬼迷了心窍。This policy was one of the obsessions of Nicolae Ceausecu and his totalitarian accomplices.

林肯麾下的权迷心窍的陆军部部长埃得温·斯坦顿是否在谋杀案中扮演了一个角色?Did Edwin Stanton, Lincoln's power-obsessed Secretary of War, play a role in the assassination?

他多么崇拜他当初一时迷了心窍自愿脱离的伊甸园,如今误入歧路,大门永不会再为他开放了!How he adored that Eden forever closed against him, whence he had voluntarily and madly emerged!

就这样,这位迷了心窍的外科医生,在白鹿谷灿烂的秋日景色中穿行着。And so the infatuated surgeon went along through the gorgeous autumn landscape of White-Hart Vale.

人的心窍若被打开以明白圣经,他们就能逐渐变成神的形状了。People being transformed into God's image are people whose minds are being opened to God's Word, the Bible.

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但是神出于祂极大的怜悯,仍然施恩给许多的人,开启他们的心窍,好让他们相信福音。But God, in his great mercy, still has mercy on many, opening their hearts to the gospel that that might believe.

但是每一物种最初产生于单一个地区的观点之简单性,却能迷人心窍。Nevertheless the simplicity of the view that each species was first produced within a single region captivates the mind.

这样他们就开始运用本性中的好奇心。好奇心是无知之女,知识之母,是开人心窍,产生惊奇感的。And thus they began to exercise that natural curiosity which is the daughter of ignorance and the mother of knowledge, and which, opening the mind of man, gives birth to wonder.

人们很容易被节俭迷了心窍,就如过多的关注生产力一样,你会发现每个小时在扭曲你对生活方式,而得到回报却在不断减少。It's easy to become obsessed with frugality, but just like being overly focused on productivity, you'll find that you get diminishing returns for each hour spent "tweaking" your lifestyle.