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问问你的邻居,或者你最好的朋友,或者你八竿子打不着的表亲。Ask you neighbor. Or your best friend.

我和我的表亲们仍然保持联系。I still keep in touch with my cousins.

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那是另一位表亲,他的名字叫埃德加。That is another cousin. His name is Edgar.

我和我在英国的表亲们还着。I still keep in touch with my cousins in Britain.

一些其他的表亲,他们轮着拥抱了他。Sundry other cousins. They exchange hugs with him.

沮丧是失望的表亲,他们总是形影相随。Disappointment’s cousin is frustration, the second storm.

他们便坐下来,同一个远房表亲一起用饭。They sat down to meat with a distant cousin of the house.

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他的表亲情谊一定是大于他自己的激情。His cousinly love must have been greater than his passion.

然而,它的表亲,山地里的田鼠,则是那种“打一枪、换一地”的家伙。His cousin, the montane vole, is kind of a hit-and-run guy.

我,第一个妻子是潘托斯王子表亲的男人。Me, whose first wife had been a cousin of the Prince of Pentos.

得罪了路易莎和亨利表亲还不严重?Not the fact of having offended cousin Louisa and cousin Henry?

她说,我是法兰西皇后的远远远房表亲。She says, I am the great great grand cousin of the queen of France.

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那个老混蛋,把女儿许配给了赛克萨斯家的一个表亲。The old rascal has promised his daughter to a cousin of the Seixas.

反恐让路给了其更有力的表亲,平叛。Anti-terrorism gave way to its much more potent cousin, anti-insurgency.

她是阿布德萨拉姆家孩子3岁大的表亲,这个小女孩由于头骨骨折在接受治疗。It was their three-year-old cousin, being treated for a fractured skull.

他们两个都是他的表亲,但在血统上亲疏不同。They are both cousins of his, but not of the same degree of propinquity.

问问你的邻居,或者你最好的朋友,或者你八竿子打不着的表亲。Ask your neighbor or your best friend or even your third-cousin-once-removed.

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问问你的邻居,或者你最好的朋友,或者你八竿子打不着的表亲。Ask you neighbor. Or your best friend. Or even your third-cousin-once-removed.

兄弟姐妹是近亲而表亲只是旁系亲属。Brothers and sisters are closely related whereas cousins are collateral relatives.

当他看到挚友和他的新表亲提伯特正在争论,表情立刻严肃起来!He became serious when he saw his best friend arguing with Tybalt, his new cousin!