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填加无机耐热填料石英粉。Inorganic filler, such as quartz powder, was filled.

它还被漆上无机富锌底漆。It was also painted with inorganic zinc-rich primer.

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其中海藻的无机砷含量最高。Sargassum has the highest inorganic arsenic contents.

只用于有机涂料,不适用于无机涂料。For organic costings only, not for inorganic costings.

无机电车在这里与机场的公共汽车连接。The trolleybus connects here with a bus for the airport.

不含无机导电介质的抗静电纤维。New Antistatic Fiber Without Inorganic Conducting Medium.

无机阻燃剂无毒、低烟,但添加量较大。The inorganic fire retardant is non-toxic and low-smoked.

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“他说的‘无机兽’是啥子意思?”瑞克想搞大白。"What does he mean by 'Inorganics'?" Rick wanted to know.

水性无机富锌涂料将会得到更为广泛的应用。Water-borne inorganic zinc-rich coating will be used widely.

人类无机会形成自然免疫力。Humans have had no opportunity to develop a natural immunity.

有机—无机复合保水剂能够改良土壤。Soil properties has remarkable effect on the SAP application.

可消除无机和有机污染物、有毒物。Can dispel inorganic and organic pollutants, as well as toxicant.

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该材料与在一个无机的微孔牛骨相结合。The material is combined with an anorganic microporous bovine bone.

以及它与无机葡萄酒之间的差别?What differences are there between organic wine and non-organic wine?

整个工艺流程完全是纯手工制作,无机械加工部分。The whole process is entirely handmade of pure, non-machining section.

迪-奇罗说,他们的方针是让亚什兰德学生无机会体验多元文化。The goal is to give Ashland students the chance to experience diversity.

型煤常用的胶粘剂分为有机、无机和复合三类。The adhesive used by mould coal includes organic, inorganic and compound.

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是柘林湾无机氮的主要存在形态,其含量呈冬春季高、夏秋季低的特点。Nitrate was the mainly form of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in Zhelin bay.

克罗宁教授坚信,创造出无机生命体是完全可行的。Prof Cronin believes that creating inorganic life it is entirely feasible.

黄或栗色。铁蓝或称普鲁士蓝,是主要的无机蓝色颜料。The most common blues, Prussian blue and ultramarine , are also inorganic.