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我的目力很好。I have good eyesight.

人们戴眼镜以改良目力。People wear glasses to improve their vision.

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他地目力好由于正在电脑上做啦太多。He has poor eyesight because of too much computer.

他竭尽目力想看总统一眼。He strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of the President.

分开荧屏后仍觉长远闪光,目力恍惚。After sleep eyes still leave screen flash, blurred vision.

其次,将有助于踮起脚尖走路地目力更好。Secondly, walking on tiptoes will help make one's eyesight better.

从山脚下,就我目力所及,看到最远的就是山上的古寺。From the foot of the hill, we could see as far as the old temple above.

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孩子们看电视过多会年夜年夜地破坏目力。Too much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children.

要是你的秋水感应痛苦悲伤,做眼操可以缓解你的目力委顿。If your eyes are achellong, doing some eye exercise can relieve your eye tiredness.

比如如果在公园的湖面上游泳时,可能目力所及的只有岸边的树木。If you're swimming in a lake in a park, for example, you might be surrounded only by trees.

乔用他的敏锐的目力看到空中有成群的猛禽在翱翔。Joe, with his long sight, signalled several flocks of birds of grey hovering on the horizon.

醒时,人的目力所及有限,但在梦中,身处东方的梦者却能看到西方。In wakefulness the eye sees only for a short distance, but in dreams he who is in the East sees the West.

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进行目力检查,确保车辆左右两侧的反光镜是否牢固,是否调整在正确位置。Visually inspect to ensure that both left and right rear view mirrors are secure and in an acceptable condition.

确实,如今要想在目力所及的范围内找到一个吐温在自己的作品中未曾涉及的问题,非常之难。Indeed, it would be difficult to find an issue on the horizon today that Twain did not touch on somewhere in his work.

它是目力所及范围内唯一的厂子,四周环绕着稻田和其他农田,但还有一些工厂正在建设之中。It was the only factory in sight, surrounded by rice paddies and other agricultural fields, although others were under construction.

早在三年前,北京高档外销项目力鸿花园在北京首创零首付买房,在当年创下售罄业绩。As early as three years ago, Beijing high-grade export item-Garden of creative zero Shoufu sales in Beijing, When sold out in record performance.

古玩的鉴赏是一门高深的学问,需有丰富的经验、敏锐的悟性、深邃的目力。唯其如此,古玩收藏魅力无穷。The appreciation is a great knowledge, requiring rich experience, acute and deep perception. Because of this, collection of curios is so fascinating.

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其结果是目力衰退,一切生机凝滞,普遍颓唐,智力的官能完全像蜕皮一样蜕掉。The result is dulness of sight, a stagnation of the vital circulations , and a general deliquium and sloughing off of all the intellectual faculties.

就在我们目力可及的范围内,超我和本我打得血肉模糊。自我跪地祈祷,寻求另一个能蒙蔽他双眼的神。Within the reach of our sight, super-ego and id have fought to masses of bleeding flesh, while ego is praying on its knees for another god to blind its eyes.

当一个人走近时,该系统首先为之设置一个基线,然后在主体目力所及的屏幕或墙上闪现可能富有刺激的图像。The system first establishes a baseline for an approaching individual, then flashes the potentially stimulating image on a screen or wall in the subject’s eyeline.