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视频矩阵终端?。VMT? Video Matrix Terminal?

虚拟终端代理商?。VTA? Virtual Terminal Agent?

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一个6字节长的终端系统标识符。A 6-byte end-system identifier.

所以,终端费仍然要付。So the termination fees remain.

虚拟终端协议?。VTP? Virtual Terminal Protocol?

把它吹出你的终端回肠!Blow it out of your terminal ileum!

虚拟终端存取法?。VTAM? Virtual Terminal Access Method?

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每行铅字都应在终端排齐。All the lines of type should be ranged.

可视图文终端控制驱动器?。VTCD? Videotex Terminal Control Driver?

虚拟机终端协议?。VMTP? Virtual Machine terminal Protocol?

终端头、中间接头处应挂标志牌。Sign boards should be hung at the joints.

针对每个终端分别设置历史文件Set a history file on a per-terminal basis

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两个RTD的,应在井口的终端。Both RTDs shall have terminals in the well head.

但是,您可以使用任意终端作为数据存储。However, you can use any backend as a datastore.

音频载波电报终端?。VFT? Voice Frequency carrier telegraph Terminal?

只要打开终端,你就能看到搜索框。You will only see this and immediately see this.

所有终端在能力上都不相同。All terminals are not alike in their capabilities.

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ISDN通信终端接入因特网具有十分重要的实际应用价值。It is very useful for ISDN MTE to access INTERNET.

打开终端并在根模式下运行nautilus。Open your terminal and launch nautilus in root mode.

技术对终端产品有多重要?How important is the technology to the final product?