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工党领袖菲尔。哥夫表示同意。Labour leader Phil Goff agreed.

她去年重新加入了工党。She reentered the Labour Party last year.

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败坏工党名誉的诽谤性造谣活动。A smear campaign to blacken the labour party.

在安装过程中,您必须选择您进工党。During installation, you must enter your PLP.

他猛烈抨击工党政府的政策。He teed off on the Labour Government's policies.

选民们似乎要投票支持工党候选人。The voters seemed to plunk for the Labour Candidate.

他们决心从工党手里重新夺得这个议席。They were determined to win the seat back from Labor.

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工党再次提议要跨党合作解决我国的儿童问题。We are again offering to work across parties on this.

工党政治生活中的头面人物个个都到场了。Everybody who was anybody in Labor politics turned up.

她被选定为特伦特河畔斯托克镇的工党候选人。She was adopted as Labour candidate for Stoke-on-Trent.

工党选择了他的牙医儿子艾纳斯来接替他的位置。Labour has chosen his son Anas, dentist, totakehis place.

民众谴责工党政府试图大权独揽。People are charging the Labour government with bossiness.

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他猛烈抨击工党政府的政策。He thundered against the policies of the Labour Government.

有些工党下议院议员脱党后加入社会民主党。Several Labour MPs broke away to join the Social Democrats.

有些工党下议院议员脱党后加入社会民主党。Several labour mps break away to join the social democrats.

工党企图诽谤邱吉尔先生是战争贩子。The Socialists were trying to smear Churchill as a warmonger.

工党企图诽谤丘吉尔先生是战争贩子。The socialists were trying to smear churchill as a warmonger.

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前工党领袖尼尔?基诺克打算帮忙是确定无疑的。Neil Kinnock, a former Labour leader, doubtless meant to help.

相反地,鸽派工党支持冻结令。The dovish Labor Party, on the other hand, supports the freeze.

哈本曾为托尼布莱尔的工党政府工作。Halpern previously worked for Tony Blair’s Labour administration.