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让我们乘着风的翅膀翱翔!Let's soar on the wind!

一个翱翔天际。One is flying in the sky.

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我在飞翔,我在飞翔,像鸟儿翱翔天空。Like a bird 'cross the sky.

苏-25战机翱翔在埃里温蔚蓝的天空。The Su-25 in Yerevan’s sky.

翱翔在天空的朋友们。Dear friends in higher places.

开启智慧之门,让你自由翱翔。Open wisdom door. let you free fly.

黑白相间的军舰鸟翱翔在Black-and-white man-of-war birds soar

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他想像小鸟一样翱翔在天空。He want to fly in the sky like a bird.

哦,飞,飞呀,翱翔于天际。Oh, fly, fly, so high against the sky.

海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔。Seagulls hover over the surging waves.

铺开,伸展,准备翱翔。Spread, stretched, prepared for flight.

酒癖的英雄气概闪着光彩在翱翔。Wine Maniac's heroism soars with flare.

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老鹰再山颠翱翔。The eagle is soaring over the mountains.

翱翔在波澜起伏的棕榈树叶?To soar above the undulating palm fronds?

我应该去翱翔如蝶舞翩翩。I should soar trippingly like a butterfly.

也不知道盘旋翱翔的山鹰飞得有多高?Or let the eagle tell you where he's been ?

它一旦自由了,就会在高高的云端里翱翔。Were it but free, it could soar cloud-high.

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志在“世翔”翱翔世界。Earlier in the "World Xiang, " danced world.

我学会了飞翔,我能翱翔于天际了。I learned to fly, I can hover in the sky of.

试问,足球与翱翔于蓝天有什么共同点?What have football and flying got in common?