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在那之前,周日协议就只能算是“肄业”。Until then, the Sunday deal gets an incomplete.

他曾在北京大学物理系肄业两年。He studied physics in Beijing University for two years.

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终于她拿到了肄业学位,但是她还不满足。With an associates degree she is pleased but not fulfilled.

正在加拿年夜肄业的他,行使一个月的假期来到长沙。He is Canadian education, using a month's vacation to changsha.

2000年在信经神学院读函授研究生,肄业。In 2000, she studied the graduate courses at Xinjing Theological Seminary.

学生完成两年的课程后获取一种肄业证书。Students who complete a two-year course of study earn an associate degree.

第二学年开始前,得申请转入各学系二年级肄业。Students can transfer as sophomores before the second academic year begins.

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而有些呢,则太忙于启动一个公司以至于肄业。And some of the founders were too busy starting companies to finish college.

复学时仍应在原肄业之学系或研究所及相衔接之年级肄业。Students need to resume their schooling from the year of study which they originally were.

学生肄业、休学、定期停学期间,均适用本办法。Article 21. This policy is applicable to all students during study, suspection, and regular suspension.

她们就读于上海寄宿制学校,课程完成肄业颁发国际学士学位。At the boarding school in Shanghai, the girls attend a class endorsed by the International Baccalaureate.

我大学肄业,怀抱一腔理想的悲世主义,依然去走自己的路。After dropping out from university, I am still following my dreams, yet with an idealistically pessimistic attitude.

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戴安寄去了表格和费用,并请求尽快把她中学的肄业证书和推荐信寄来。Dianne has mailed the form and the fee and has requested that her high school transcript and recommendations be sent as soon as possible.

如自愿降级转系者应在申请表内注明降转意愿,但不得降转至一年级肄业。Students who agree to a lower grade transfer should mark the agreement in the application form. Transfer to the first grade is not allowed.

这项研究显示,学位给他们的血压带来的益处比高中肄业的人要多,但比硕士或博士学位获得者要少。They showed greater blood pressure benefits than high school drop-outs but lesser benefits than holders of master's degrees or doctorates, the study found.

申报人需要填写表格并提交各种学院肄业证书以及工作经验证件,证明有能力完成课程。They are required to fill out the form and submit various academic transcripts and working experience to justify that he has the ability to complete the course.

10年以后,她学习了从农业综合企业到圣经的一切东西,她被告知距离肄业学位证书只有一步之遥了,她所有需要做的只是完成代数学。After ten years studying everything from agribusiness to the Bible, she’s told that she is one class away from an associates degree. All she must do is complete college algebra.

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他大学肄业,在杂货铺做店员,在垃圾场捡一些废铜烂铁,勉强能养活妻子丹安妮和3个孩子。He was a college dropout who struggled to support his wife, DeAnn, and three kids, working as a grocery store clerk and at a junkyard where he melted scrap metal alongside convicts.