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影片结尾时乔对凯瑟琳深情地说。The film is to end Joe.

她有一双深情款款的大眼睛。She has big soulful eyes.

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我深情呼唤遗恨绵长!I breathe and shout deeply!

百无一用是深情。Hundred no one is affectionate.

只是深情调侃。It's just affectionate parrying.

她深情地抚摸着他的面颊。She caressed his cheek lovingly.

无限的深情爱意又不能填饱肚子。Boundless love doesn't fill the stomach.

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林大娘深情地看着她的脸。Lin looked into her face with tenderness.

就是哪一刻我深情的直视你双眼吗?。Is the moment where I look you in the eye?

我要再深情地讲一次I'm going to say it once more with feeling.

萧岚与韩志杰互换戒指,深情相吻。Xiao LAN and Jeff han swap ring, deep kiss.

林大娘深情地看着她的脸。Aunt Lin looked into her face with tenderness.

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弗兰克·科莫德爵士饱含深情,却不乏批评。Sir Frank is affectionate, but not uncritical.

就是哪一刻我深情的直视你双眼吗?。Is this the moment where I look you in the eye?

它们依旧汲引我深情的泪液。Still they call forth my warm affection's tear.

她深情地凝视着他那熟睡的身影。She gazed with affection at his slumbering form.

但是当你看着我的眼睛的时候,你就会看到我的无限深情。But I guess it shows. When you look in to my eyes.

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我看见你深情凝视着我,晨曦中梨涡浅笑。I see you are gazing at me, smiling softly at dawn.

弗兰在离去前,给已经晕厥的巴德深情一吻。Fran gives the stunned Bud a kiss before she leaves.

花团锦蔟,旗飞鼓鸣,似海深情。Flowers collected, flags flying, deep love as he sea.