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看看人家这位,多英武!Look at this guy.

你英武的名字应传颂。Your mighty names shall sound.

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多么英武神勇的国会啊!What a big, brave Congress they are!

鲍里斯穿着雅致,一副剽悍英武的气派。Boris was elegantly dressed, though his get-up was of a style appropriate to active service.

仿佛看见了你按剑四顾、指点江山的英武气概!Imitate the saw you press sword four attend to, point out martial bearing of river's mountain!

牧羊人来了,站在王座前面,高高在上的国王看起来非常威风英武。The shepherd came and stood before the throne, where the king sat looking very grand and powerful.

就那位船长的服饰而论,无论他出现在人群中的什么地方,都是一个最显眼、最英武的人物。The latter was by far the most showy and gallant figure, so far as apparel went, anywhere to be seen among the multitude.

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通过塑造一系列军人形象,他又平添了几许英武之气。Through shaping a series of soldier image, he makes the same score the gas that bought how much of soldierly bearing again.

花园里的海葵花竞相绽放,绚烂多姿,就像英武的玩具士兵立在石栏杆上。In the garden the anemones come marching out, bright as toy soldiers on their parapets of stone. This is the Resurrection time.

我记得我们站在教堂的台阶上,开心得像一对甜蜜的鸳鸯,你还说我穿著制服多麽英武俊朗。I remember being on the church steps grinning like a Cheshire cat, when you said how dashing and handsome I looked in my uniform.

他看起来很高,是很英武的男人,我不能摆脱在别的地方见过他的印象。He was a tall, soldierly -looking man, and I could not rid myself of the impression that somewhere or other I had seen him before.

我记得我们站在教堂的台阶上,开心得像一对甜蜜的鸳鸯,你还说我穿着制服多么英武俊朗。I remember being on the church steps grinning like a cheshire cat , when you said how dashing and handsome i looked in my uniform.

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就这样,周国云从英武路追过备战桥,又从备战桥追过海池桥。In this way, Zhou cloud over preparations for recovery from the Leonard Road, Bridge, and from preparations for the bridge to cross the harbor chasing pool bridge.

另一边坐的是奥斯特曼—托尔斯泰伯爵,他把棱角英武双目有神的头颅托在宽大的手掌上,流露出一副沉思的样子。On the other side, resting his broad head on his hand, sat Count Osterman-Tolstoy, with his bold features and brilliant eyes, apparently plunged in his own thoughts.

又唐玄宗还是皇子时,因为他英武而立有大功,他的长兄就把太子位让给他。Another example is Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Since he had earned great merit in battle as a prince, his eldest brother yielded the position of crown prince to him.