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少先队日快乐!Happy pioneer’s day!

你什么时候加入少先队的?When did you join the Leage Youth?

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少先队的女孩们在列宁格勒的某处游行。Pioneer girls are marching somewhere in Leningrad too.

我校是湖北省少先队课题研究试点单位。Our school is a Young Pioneer subjects research experimental one in Hubei.

祝贺大山成功竞选少先队大队长!我为之而感到骄傲!Congratulated Dashan run for Young Pioneers team leader successfully. I am proud of my son.

接下来,请陈玲老师宣布优秀少先队干部及优秀队员名单。Next, let's welcome Ms. Chen to announce the list of the outstanding cadres and the outstanding members of the Young Pioneer Team.

全国解放以后,我们的教育工作,我们的青年团、少先队的工作,发扬光大了过去的优良传统。After Liberation, young people were encouraged to carry on this fine tradition by the schools, the Young Pioneers and the Youth League.

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很多人都注意到了照片中显眼的五道杠,这象征着他在少先队组织中的地位。A lot of attention was paid to Huang's conspicuously displayed five-stripe badge, a symbol of his status in the Young Pioneers hierarchy.

趁着火红的青春,抓住希望的机遇,撑起命运之舟,托起明天之阳,为少先队的未来而努力!While red youth, seize the opportunity and hope to hold up, hold the fate of boat of tomorrow for the future of the young pioneers, Yang to!

10月13日,我们又迎来了我们自己的节日——中国少年先锋队建队60周年纪念日,在这个特殊的日子里,我们学校又有七位同学光荣的加入了少先队。October 13th is the 60th anniversary of the Young Pioneers of China. On this special day, seven students in our school joined in the Young Pioneers.

要大力加强工会工作和妇联工作,大力加强共青团工作、少先队工作和学生会工作。We must endeavour to strengthen the work of the trade unions, the women's federations, the Youth League, the Young Pioneers and the student associations.

第四部分从少先队建设、心理健康教育和特色教育等方面来分析该校的校本学生管理。The fourth part analyses the school's student administration from Young Pioneer's construction, psychology health education, distinguishing education, etc.

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由此提出小学少先队教育活动要坚持队员主体性,增强主体意识,创建主体氛围。So the young pioneers education activity first should insists the member corpus, strengthen the corpus consciousness, create to set up the corpus atmosphere.

小学少先队教育活动要增强实效性,是新时期的教育要求,也是队员主体的精神呼唤。The young pioneers education activity wants to strengthen the real results, is a spirit that new period education requests, is also the members' corpus to call.

小学少先队教育活动是实施小学生思想道德教育,培养创新精神和实践能力的重要形式和第二课堂。The young pioneers education activity is an important form to practice living to morals educate, educate frontier spirit with practice the ability with the second classroom.

如今11岁的他,身为武汉市少先队副总队长,却显得比同龄人更为成熟,也显得官腔十足。Now 11 years old, he, as captain, vice president of Wuhan, the Young Pioneers, but it seems more mature than his peers, also appears to bureaucratic full. So, how do you see it?

为了加强学校德育工作,必须建立一支以班主任、任课教师、少先队、青年团和管理干部为骨干的德育工作队伍。In order to strengthen the school moral education, moral workers formed by supervisors, teachers, leaders of Young Pioneers and Youth League and administrative cadres should be strengthened.

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童世强今年14岁,是甘肃省礼县祁山乡中王小学六年级的学生,也是学校少先队的中队长。Tongshi strong this year, 14-year-old, is Lixian County in Gansu Province Wang Qishan Township in the sixth grade of primary school students, but also the school's Young Pioneers squadron leader.