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我曾发誓效忠国家!I have sworn an oath!

我曾宣誓效忠。I pledged allegiance.

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他发誓不再效忠国王。He abjured his allegiance to the king.

然后他们就总会死心塌地的效忠于他了。Then they will always be loyal to him.

他宣布向自己的国家效忠。He declared his loyalty to his country.

缔结盟约以效忠国王。They covenanted in loyalty to the king.

他们缔结盟约以效忠国王。They covenanted in loyalty to the king.

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没有人不会效忠我的!这个世界终将陨落!I will not be denied! This world shall fall!

他还希望用不同的方式来效忠国家。He has also committed in new ways to his homeland.

士兵们宣誓效忠于他们的祖国。The soldiers swore allegiance to their motherland.

唯有他值得我们奉献己身并效忠于他。Only He is deserving of our devotion and allegiance.

以我的名誊,我发誓对这组织效忠。On my honor, I pledge allegiance to this organization.

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"背叛"的反义词是"忠诚"或"效忠"。The antonym of ‘betrayal’ is ‘loyalty’ or ‘allegiance.’

效忠贾南德拉国王的政府军队则掌控各大城市。Government troops loyal to King Gyanendra hold the cities.

学会如何效忠国家,成就大我,而非小我。Learn how to serve your country, instead of just yourself.

受害者将成为食尸鬼,并为创造自己的主人效忠。The victims will become ghouls that serve the necromancer.

阿奎拉尼一直宣誓效忠罗马。Aquilani has always pledged allegiance to Roma in the past.

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我们不会常常在您耳边多嘴多舌,但我们愿意为您效忠!We won't bother you often. But we're here when you need us.

效忠首领是波利尼西亚人最基本的文化。Allegiance to chiefs was a fundamental of Polynesian culture.

言信一致,尽心尽力,效忠国家,献身社会。Words, the best letter, loyalty, and dedicated society. State.