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水杉含有丰富的黄酮成分。Metasequoia glyptostroboides abounds with flavonoids.

北美红杉为什么与水杉那样相象。Why is Sequoia seperuirens so similar to Metasequoia glyptostroboides.

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试验地包括银杏、水杉两个树种。Two tree species, gingkgo and metasequoia, were involved in experiment plots.

另外一个例子是黎明红木,水杉,在1941年的时候被称为活化石。Another example is the dawn red wood, metasequoia, which was described as a fossil in 1941.

而北美森林中的加州水杉,是地球上最巨大的树木。Northern America has forests that include California's sequoia's, the earth's largest trees.

在曾经广布,如今仅分布于极少数地区的种类中,水杉是最出名的例子。Metasequoia is one of the best known examples of taxa that were once widespread but now have very limited distributions.

这项新研究将史威特南之前有关巨型水杉年轮记录火灾历史的研究再次向前推进了1000年。The new research extends Swetnam's previous tree-ring fire history for giant sequoias another 1,000 years into the past.

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史威特南及其同事对国家公园管理局最近重新向巨型水杉林引入火灾的工作颇多赞誉。He and his colleagues commend the National Park Service for its recent work reintroducing fire into the giant sequoia groves.

借鉴传统造园中“借景”手法,将场地内现存的李树,水杉入景观主题中,宛如天成。Draw on traditional garden in "by the King, " means, within the existing site plum, fir into the landscape theme, like heaven.

本文对浙江省北部平原水杉人工林的生物量和生产力进行了测定和研究。A preliminary research on the biomass and production of Metasequoia glyptostroboides in north plain of Zhejiang Province is presented here.

我们的工人已经收获了他们自己为这份工作准备的材料,就是你们看到的在那边谷仓旁放着的条纹的水杉。Our factures here have harvest their own nature material for the job. The banbow of the water reeds, you see, lying over there besides the barn.

象大家现在看到的一样,水杉的叶子在每年的深秋时节都会变红,在阳光下泛出金红的光泽,十分耀眼。As we see now, the metasequoia leaves in the late autumn season will be an annual effect of reddening in the sun Slam red gloss, very eye-catching.

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雪后,校园的水泥路上盖上了一条长长的白地毯,路旁的水杉树象穿着白披风的卫士。After the snow, on the campus cement road top head a long white rug, the roadside water Pine has been putting on the white cloak's bodyguard likely.

多见于裸子植物,如松杉类的柏、杉、水杉、银杉以及部分被子植物,如杨山毛榉等。More common in gymnosperms , such as Parkinson's Songshan category, fir, dawn redwood, silver fir and some angiosperms, such as beech, such as Yang.

崇明岛在过去的30年中陆续营造了大面积的水杉人工林,可以预见这些林分将在固碳减排、生态崇明岛建设中发挥重要作用。The Metasequoia glyptostroboides plantation area has become bigger in the past 30 years and it would play important roles as a carbon sink in Chongming Island.

方法采用豚鼠工作心脏缺血再灌注损伤模型,观察水杉总黄酮对缺血再灌注损伤心肌心功能以及生化指标的影响。METHODS Ischemia reperfusion injury model was used to evaluate the effects of TFM. Myocardial function, the content of CK, LDH and the activity of MDA were measured.

4000万年前,水杉是北美西部最常见的树种,现在几乎已经灭绝了,但是在中国却又6千株。Forty million years ago, it was the commonest forest tree in Western North America, now it’s completely wiped out there, but it survives as about 6,000 individuals in China.

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在莽莽林海中,被誉为“活化石“的银杏、桫椤仍在繁衍生息,俄罗斯白桦、日本落叶松、南方红豆杉、水杉在这里健康成长,这里是南、北动植物的交错汇聚区。A great variety of trees are found here, such as gingkgo and Cyathea, which are known as "living fossils", and the Russian birch, Japanese larch, yew, metasequoia and others.

昨天,我们全校师生去世界公园,我们进入公园看到到处都开满了花,高大的水杉路两边。Yesterday we went to the World Park with whole school teachers and students. We entered the park to see everywhere full of flowers the road on both sides by tall metasequoia.

本文采用聚类分析的方法,对水杉的25个数量性状进行相关聚类分析,将其分为8个相对独立的性状类群。In this paper, 25 numerical characters of metasequoia are studied and grouped through correlation cluster analysis, and are classified into 8 relatively independent categories.