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在上面的那个例子中,我的打算太鼠目寸光了。In the above example, my plan was just too small.

只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。Only a short-sighted man will lose sight of the importance of education.

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这样的教育的最终目标就是教会我们怎样去鼠目寸光。This kind of education is the ultimate goal to teach us how shortsighted.

虽在欢乐之中,他片刻不忘谨慎。只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。In the midst of his joviality he did not for a moment lose sight of discretion.

那些贪婪,鼠目寸光,有些甚至是纯粹的大骗子的所有人都要在这个时候受到惩罚。But because the greedy, shortsighted and, in some cases, downright crooked people must be punished this time.

银行将抛弃过去鼠目寸光,只从有极高回报的时期提取数据,转而寻求整个经济循环中的数据代入这些模型。They will be using data from a whole economic cycle rather than looking myopically at a period of exceptionally high returns.

我担心印度领导人访问中国时鼠目寸光、回朝时兴高采烈以为大获成功。I am afraid the leaders of this country visited china with blind folded vision and came back happy that they have achieved a great success.

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这个版本的复活节岛历史仍然具有争议性,这可以理解,因为如果这个版本是真的,那就意味着拉帕努伊人太鼠目寸光了。Understandably this version of Easter Island's history remains controversial because it suggests the Rapa Nui were incredibly short-sighted.

死气沉沉的商业文化,鼠目寸光的管理,以及冗余的人员解释了所有一切。Clearly the combination of a very un-innovative business culture, visionless management and overly generous labor contracts explains a lot of it.

如果从这个立场去看,可能最大的问题来自布朗先生,他自担任首相以来,令人惊奇的化身为优柔寡断和鼠目寸光的结合体。From this standpoint, probably the biggest worry has been Mr Brown's surprising combination of weakness and short-termism since he became Prime Minister.

如今,孤立主义与保护主义已跨越左右两派,它们轻松的描绘出看似美丽的图景,其实鼠目寸光。Isolationism and protectionism now cut across left and right boundaries. They are easy tunes to play but pointless in anything other than the very short-term.

同时,随着发达国家的低息贷款和鼠目寸光的规定,在美国及其他地方,资本掀起了借贷的狂潮,出现了房地产泡沫经济。Along with easy money and short-sighted regulation in developed countries, that capital fueled a borrowing binge and housing bubbles in the U. S. and elsewhere.

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我看见一群对政府的政策言听计从的人民,我看见一群粗野、鼠目寸光的人把塑料袋、塑料制品和瓶子扔进海里,海水漂浮着一片垃圾。I saw a people complicit with government policy. I saw an unkempt population who thoughtlessly threw plastic, styrofoam, and glass into the ocean creating floating rows of litter.

而英国皇家科学院的报告则会对此提出异议,称该能源政策过于繁琐并且鼠目寸光,为解决气候变化问题铺张浪费。The Royal Society report will argue that energy policy has been too fragmented and short-term in its outlook, with a tendency to hunt for silver-bullet solutions to climate change.

甚至一些音乐家也承认唱协起诉那些忠实的乐迷未免鼠目寸光,他们说互联网为人们提供了获得他们音乐的途径,如果一个人欣赏某位艺人,就很可能去买一张CD并去听这位艺人的音乐会。The artists say that the Internet gives people access to their music. If a person enjoys an artist, for example, that person is more likely to buy a CD and attend concerts by the artist.

我早就说过,欣赏男人相貌的女人是低俗的也是愚蠢的,是没有教养和没有层次的,是鼠目寸光和没有见过世面的。I had said early, admiring the woman of man appearance is low common also is foolish, it is ungracious with what do not have administrative levels, it is shortsighted is mixed had not seen world.

克林顿总统在一次新闻发布会上对这种观点作了愤怒的回击,称他们鼠目寸光,只计较席位分配,而不管人的工作能力。President Colliton beat the point in a news conference indignantly, and said they were bean counters that only mind the amount of the seats not cared the ability of the person who sat in the seat.