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退一步风平浪静,忍一时海阔天空。Step back and calm, a sports.

忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。Endure a calm, step back broad sky.

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发现退一步海阔天空才是真理。Found to take a step back Sky is the truth.

我眼前的海边,平静的,海阔天空。The sea in front of me is so peace and wide.

忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空!I calm and tolerance, and one step back Seasky!

忍一时,风平浪静,退一步,海阔天空。Endure a moment, calm, step back, a brighter future.

他吹得海阔天空,我几乎都不懂。He just talked at random , I could hardly understand.

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退一步海阔天空,让局势清晰明白。Take a step back and get some clarity on the situation.

海阔天空,我是阵风,把旗帜飞扬到南北西东。Seasky, I wind, dust the banner of the North-South West to the East.

不知何时被我越走越窄的路,也在这一瞬间重新变得海阔天空。The narrowing road that I led myself into opened up into a vast space in a moment.

忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空/忍一时之气,免百日之忧。If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

凡事如果点破反而太过着迹,留空可能更加海阔天空!Everything pointed out bluntly, if the body too, may be more empty have a brighter future!

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真的有不管海阔天空都一起跳出去的感觉好棒这是什麽时候出的歌?。I do not know what it is but it sounds great. Superb guitar and gentle vocals. Thank you for this song.

可是眼睛却认为自己的视野还是有限,不像心,念头一转,就海阔天空,无远弗届。However, eyes think that their field is bound and mind is the greatest. Mind flashes boundlessly far away.

当两人之间发生争吵之时,处女因为有足够的灵活性,它可以退一步海阔天空,不会允许战斗发生。When an argument arises, Virgo is adaptable enough to take a step backward and not allow a fight to take place.

美哉福地海阔天空,金黄谷物如波,紫翠山岳雄伟神奇,俯视平原肥沃!O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties, Above the fruited plain!

后来,我发现有两个我,一个无所不在,海阔天空,好像是宇宙的一部分。Later, I found there are two ' Me's '. One is everywhere, in the open sea and sky, which seems to be part of the universe.

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由于家长是成年人,所以他们有参与进来的必要,退一步海阔天空,别再发火了,做做其他方面的努力。Because they\'re the adults, parents need to suck it in and step back and try a whole lot of other things besides getting mad.

十七个月的监狱生活对一个呼吸惯了海上的空气,过惯了水手的独立生活,看惯了海阔天空,无拘无束的人是太难过了!Seventeen months captivity to a sailor accustomed to the boundless ocean, is a worse punishment than human crime ever merited.

一些这种类型的人用这种幽默方式来应付各种挑战,退一步海阔天空,并且能笑对遇到的坎坷。Someone with this outlook deploys humor to cope with challenges, taking a step back and laughing at the absurdities of everyday life.