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这是那头大象Here's an elephant.

大象用脚趾尖走路。Elephants walk on tiptoe.

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熠,大象的耳朵很大。The elephant has big ears.

大象有对圆圆的耳朵。An elephant has round ears.

大象是四足动物。An elephant is a quadruped.

换成大象I will put the elephant in.

那个骑大象的汉尼拔将军The one with the elephants.

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大象体格太大,跑不动。Elephants are too big to run.

一次我看见一头大象路过。Once I saw an elephant go by.

那头大象有点逗人喜爱。The elephant is kind of cute.

为什么大象这么皱皱巴巴?Why are elephants so wrinkled?

也是大象无形的宽阔。Is also a broad invisible elephant.

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大象好像一只大水缸。The elephant resembles a water vat.

大象,你的耳朵象铙钹。Elephant,your ears are like cybmals.

大象被偷走只是一个时间问题。Elephants are only a matter of time.

我给你弹簧和大象I give you a spring and an elephant.

泰德把城镇的大象涂成了红色。Ted painted the town’s elephant red.

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大象比马力气大。An elephant is stronger than a horse.

这是一根大象的股骨。And here is the femur of an elephant.

大象,你的耳朵象铜钹。Elephant, your ears are like cymbals.