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不管发生什么,人们都不可能看到哀鸿遍野的景象了。No matter what happens, you’re not likely to see shantytowns.

而且,在今天这个哀鸿遍野的世界上,实话说了吧,这种政策是掠夺性的。And in today's depressed world, that policy is, to put it bluntly, predatory.

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有这么多股本涉入其中,也难怪市场哀鸿遍野。With such high stakes involved, it is no wonder that markets are on their toes.

如果美国没有跟多的成功案例,工商业世界将惟有将哀鸿遍野。If there are no second acts in American life, the world of business is barely more forgiving.

红树林,退化成纵横交织地哀鸿遍野,是他最先注意到的事情。IT WAS the mangroves he noticed first, reduced to cobwebbed wraiths as far as the eye could see.

2007年信贷市场解体之时,杠杆收买潮迅即完毕,留下哀鸿遍野。When the credit markets collapsed in 2007, the leveraged buyout boom abruptly ended, leaving damage.

金融危机席卷全球,投资市场哀鸿遍野,“股神”巴菲特亦无法幸免。The financial crisis engulfs the entire world, the investment market is filled with sufferers, "the stock god" Buffett is also unable to escape by luck.

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现在政府部门里之所以哀鸿遍野,很多人被迫卷铺盖回家,很大程度上是由于政府税收收入下降,但失业和医疗保险上的支出却出现了激增。The stubborn woes of today's government job market have been largely due to falling tax revenues while spending on unemployment and Medicaid has surged.

因此,在这个哀鸿遍野的时刻,就应该沉住气,节衣缩食地过日子,以静待股市回春。The bear market always goes easy and comes easy. In the depressive time, we should be composed, live an austere life, and wait for the spring of the market.

再看看我们的邻国,种族、宗教暴乱难以平息,哀鸿遍野,血雨腥风,令人胆寒,我们又怎能不珍惜和保护现在所拥有的一切?Just look around and we can see what unending ethnic and sectarian violence is costing our neighbouring countries . Should we not value and protect what we have at the moment?

道琼斯指数也步其后尘,开盘后几秒钟内,华尔街哀鸿遍野,道琼斯平均工业指数降至11746点,暴跌224点。It looked as though the Dow Jones would follow suit as within seconds of opening, Wall Street slumped, with the benchmark Dow Jones industrial average sliding by 224 points to 11, 746.