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一个香烟头。A cigarette end.

请阁下把烟头放在烟灰缸内。Please put dog-end into ashtray.

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脸被烟头烫伤了该怎么办?。Face by butt scald how should do?

这个烟头引发了一场大火。The dog-end gave rise to a big fire.

父亲掐灭了烟头我知道。Father ashed the cigarette end I know.

迭戈把烟头抛入沉沉的夜色。Diego flung his cigarette into the dark.

这场大火由一个烟头引起的。The big fire was started by a cigarette.

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他在屋内到处乱丢烟头。He litters cigarette ends round the room.

火灾的起因是一个香烟头。The cause of the fire was a cigarette end.

也许是某人忘记把烟头熄灭了。Maybe somebody forget to put out the dog-end.

他嘲笑地扔掉了烟头。With a sneer he tossed awayhiscigarette butt.

掐灭烟头,让它成为你的最后一根烟。Stub out that cigarette and make it your last.

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当然,看看帕迪吧——一个贪喝茶的老乞丐,就配捡烟头,他们多数人就是那样,我瞧不起他们。That’s the way most of them go. I despise them.

别把香烟头扔到窗外去。Don't fling the cigarette butt out of the window.

许多人随手乱扔香烟头。Many people throw away cigarette ends carelessly.

现在还没有。也许是某人忘记把烟头熄灭了。Not yet. Maybe somebody forget to put out the dog-end.

烟头熄灭后烟雾还会在空气中停留数小时。Smoke lingers in the air hours after cigarettes are put out.

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地板上细绳编织的地毯到处可见烟头烧过的痕迹。The cord carpet on the floor was covered in cigarette burns.

这个烟头烫在他身上,下一个就可能烫在你身上。The cigarette hot in him, and the next may be hot in your body.

别乱丢烟头。干草很容易着火。Don't throw the cigarette about. The dry grass catches fire easily.