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福克纳追述了康普生家史。Faulkner traces the history of the Compson family.

我们可以追述他们的宗教信仰的发展。We can trace the development of their religious belief.

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申卡尔认为人们对创新的崇拜情结可以追述到18世纪晚期。Shenkar traces our innovation fetish back to the late 18th century.

据说,人类对于“数字13”的恐惧可以追述到公元前1760年。The origin of the number 13, fear, it is said, dates back to 1760 BC.

此次挖掘之所以成行,得益于一名88岁老人的追述。The reason why the mining trip, thanks to a 88-year-old man recalled.

这也能使零售商追述到肉制品的克隆来源。This would allow retailers to trace the meat to back to a cloned source.

登山的风俗可以追述到很早的西汉时期。This custom of climbing mountains can be dated back as early as West Han Dynasty.

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在欧洲,曲奇饼干作为一种甜食的历史可以一直追述至欧洲的文字出现之前。In Europe, the history of cookies as a confectionery goes back well beyond the written word.

不要误会我,我只是分析一些现代时间追述作品不能推算的风格。Don't get me wrong go, I'm analyzing the styles of pre-historic art effects can help dating them.

她的生产可追述到东汉时期距今已有2000多年的历史。She recalled the product may have passed to the Eastern Han Dynasty period of 2000 years of history.

本文无意在这里追述“大师”一词的源头来写作训诂学的文章。The author is not inclined to write a critical scholium of ancient literature by tracing the origin of the word "Da Shi".

另一类是自序,多为作者在作品完成之后追述写作动机,自叙生平际遇。The other is preface, multi-author works for the recount after the completion of writing motivation, Autobiography life encounters.

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这个坑最终达到了6.5米,我们发现了好几个可追述到此遗址最早居住时期的建筑片段。The pit ultimately reached 6.5 meters, and we found several construction episodes that date to the earliest occupation of the site.

笔者还会介绍一些大坝安全导则和法规来追述韩国大坝安全管理的变化历史。Some guidelines and regulations about dam safety will be introduced to traceback the change history of dam safety management in Korea.

这里不打算追述摩门教徒们最后定居以前在移民历程中所遭受的苦难情况。THIS is not the place to commemorate the trials and privations endured by the immigrant Mormons before they came to their final haven.

这种习俗的形成要追述到远古时代,主要是当母亲爱抚她们的孩子的时候,也就是今天大多数母亲所做的。The roots of this form of affection can be traced back to primitive times, when mothers fondled their children, much as mothers do today.

在本篇论文中,我将追述我在过去十来年中在世界各地所看到的亚洲戏剧。This paper will follow the structure of a personal story spanning a decade-long series of encounters with Asian theatre around the world.

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如果那些相信思特里克兰德伟大的人看法正确的话,与他有过亲身接触的人对他的追述便很难说是多余的了。If they who believe in Strickland's greatness are right, the personal narratives of such as knew him in the flesh can hardly be superfluous.

为马克思哲学观的演变作哲学史意义上的追述,为中国马克思主义哲学观的阐述作前提性的说明。This actually philosophically inquires the evolution of Marxist Philosophy as well as preluding the elucidation of Chinese Marxist Philosophy.

第十年,奥德修漂流到斯刻里亚岛上,受到国王的款待,他向国王追述他离开特洛伊以后的遭遇。The first ten years, the drift to the moment, Odysseus and the island by the king, hospitality, he goes to the king after he left Troy encountered.