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对他的服务,我多付了他一些酬金。I overpaid him for his service.

我知道你对酬金感兴趣。I know you’re only interested in the reward money.

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里克向盖恩斯要求支付他的酬金,因为他完成了任务。Rick asks Gaines to pay him for his completed job.

双方成员和非成员有资格获得的酬金。Both members and non-members are eligible for the honoraria.

如果你爱护支付酬金的客户,他们的付款速度甚至会变得更快。As you take care of the paying clients, they pay even faster.

他们以高额酬金把那些歌星请到了这次的典礼上来。They invited those pop stars to the ceremony at vast expense.

我给老板一笔丰厚的酬金,雅雅居便是我和雅雅的天堂。I gave the boss a nominal fee, a home is me and I have heaven.

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这项酬金基于业绩发放,尽管如此,它仍然只是一项酬金。It is a fee based on performance, but it is a fee nonetheless.

我很想给他点酬金来报答他的帮助,可他拒绝了。I wanted to give him money after he helped me but he refused it.

我们提供旅费和住宿费以及酬金。正在加载用户记忆法…Travel and hotel costs as well as an honorarium will be provided.

一开始我们只能给你区区二百英镑作为酬金。We can only offer you a beggarly two hundred pounds to start with.

他领取希伯特基金会提供的酬金在曼彻斯特学院讲课。He delivered lectures on the Hibbert foundation at Manchester College.

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凡能将他遗失的钱寻回者可得到酬金。A reward will be paid to anyone who brings back the money that he lost.

事成之后,希会得到一大笔酬金。Shee was to receive a hefty payout for her role in their final betrayal.

一部分居民同意去进行这样的一个调查,在支付一小点酬金的情况下。A group of residents agreed to conduct the survey for a small honorarium.

同播出的实际开支相比较,他那点酬金不过是九牛一毛。His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.

球员经纪人有权为其提供的服务获得酬金。The players’agent is entitled to be remunerated for the service he provides.

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利益包括顾问,荣誉,酬金,专利所有权或其他。Interests could include consultancies, honoraria , patent ownership or other.

詹戈将成为克隆人军队的模板,酬金相当可观。In exchange for a sizable fee, Jango would become the template of a clone army.

这是为他在这项工程中做出的贡献而办法给她的酬金。This is an honorarium given in consideration of her contributions to this project.