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但这无从得知。No way to tell.

我得知这个消息后很难过。The bad news saddened me.

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如何得知贡茶这品牌?。How do you know Gong Cha ?

我从经验得知这一点的。I know this by experience.

如何得知义守大学?How did you learn about us?

思考一下以下这段便可得知。Consider just the following.

我们已得知发生了什么。We have learnt what happened.

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您是如何得知「娜鲁湾论坛」?。How do you know Naluone Forum?

他太急于想得知这个消息了。He is desperate to get the news.

我们是如何得知那片海洋存在的呢?How do we know the ocean exists?

突然,你得知有一个定律Suddenly, you are told there is a law.

后来她得知自己怀孕了。Until she learned about her pregnancy.

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伊苏,我想得知一下我能传递的更新。Esu, I would like an update I can post.

郭父得知此事气得面色铁青。Guo father learned this mad complexion.

请问您如何得知禅修班?。How did you find out about this class ?

得知消息时她大感惊讶。She was thunderstruck to hear the news.

我们得知,瑞吉斯在那儿。We have learned that the Regis is there.

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这我从何得知呢?Well,how in the world could I know that?

从哪个途径得知「维他奶」推出新产品?How do you know "Vitasoy"'s new products?

请问您如何得知本营队活动讯息?How did you know about this camp activity?