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我也曾与几位侨美宗亲谈过上网的事。I discussed with a few kin members about the website.

该贺奖只限于本公司注册之宗亲们申请。Only registered clansman are eligible to apply for the award.

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为筹集军粮,光海君打算向宗亲征收粮食。To raise and commissary, light sea king intends to food to the clan.

获奖宗亲之名字将登于本公司网上。The names of the award recipients will be posted at the Kongsi's website.

如五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社。If five China Guangzhou Hu surnamed clansmen association for promotion society.

我觉得宗亲网对我们「侨外」十分有利。Personally I think it is a benefit to educate us, the overseas, about the family.

校长苏荣宗亲自点燃鞭炮,揭开了毕业典礼的序幕。The principal personally lights a string of firecrackers to start the ceremonies.

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经过几个小时的散步,一些Okonkwo的宗亲攻击男孩用大砍刀。After several hours of walking, some of Okonkwo's clansmen attack the boy with machetes.

然而在火星上,这样的旋风却比其地球的宗亲巨大而且频繁得多。On Mars, however, such whirlwinds are larger and more common than their terrestrial kin.

在我们湖南省,这些年来徐氏宗亲均先后做了一些工作。In our Hunan Province, these year Xu ancestor and relative successively has done some work.

本宗亲会保留对本申请表内任何条款的修改权利而无需事先知会任何人士。The Association reserves the right to change any provisions of this Application Form without prior notice.

据英国广播公司报道,英女王日前刊登了一则招聘广告,向全天下招募实习男管家,以照顾她以及其他皇室宗亲。The Queen has advertized for a trainee butler to look after her and other members of the Royal household, the BBC reported.

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他们当中一些人后来到该泉州村落做了一次寻根之旅,受到那里宗亲的热情款待。Some of them made a trip to the village to search FOR their roots, and received a rousing reception from their kinsmen there.

家庙或宗祠是同姓宗亲的精神象徵,冬至祭祖也在此举行。The ancestral halls or family temples are the symbol of clansmen's spirit and the Winter Solstice celebrations are held here.

此后,透过各宗亲组织在中元普度里的「赛阵头」替代以往的「打破头」场景,即成为每年基隆中元祭活动的重要特色。From then on, parade competition replaced fighting and becomes an important feature of the Ghost Festival run by clan networks.

2009年春节正月初六我到寺院为母亲和父亲的历代宗亲还有我老公的历代宗亲立了常牌位。In the sixth day of the first lunar month in 2009, I went to make ceremonial tablets for the ancestors of my parents and my husband's in the temple.

组建成立“中华徐氏宗亲网站”,选举通过网站的站长、确定网站工作人员若干名。Sets up the establishment "Chinese Xu the ancestor and relative website", elects through website stationmaster, determination website staff certain.

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通过浏览家族网站,我发现在韩国有姓章的宗亲,太有趣了。Browsing through the website , I had gathered that in Korea, there are also people with the surname Zhang. That is really something very interesting!

在学佛的过程中善知识首先教我们忏悔业障与为历代宗亲做超度。The first few things we need to do in Buddhist practice are to confess our karma and to have the souls of our past relatives released from purgatory.

上帝家庭亲属关系凌驾于凡间肉身宗亲关系之上,是天京事变前太平天国宗法制度的主要特征。That the relatives of God Family is over the secular family is essential character of Taiping's patriarchal clan system before Tianjing Incident in 1856.